Everybody Must Get Stoned

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The woman at the door turned out to be the most beautiful redhead Sanji had ever seen, and to his credit, he had seen a fair amount.

But this girl- this one before him now- was gorgeous in every sense of the word, and he could feel his heart thump wildly in his chest as she turned her brown-eyed gaze upon him. Briefly he wondered if this might be love at first sight even as she looked at him with a confused expression.

Sanji soon found himself short of breath, and despite his initial fear of being caught, he recognized that she was, clearly, one of Zoro's friends and tried his best to relax.

But honestly, how could he, when her luscious, long hair was tied into a high ponytail that revealed her neatly trimmed undercut and a swans length of her beautifully pale neck? She was tantalizing in every sense of the word, and he couldn't help himself from giving her a once-over.

Her shorts- denim, ragged, and obviously hand cut- revealed slim, long, pale legs that left him mentally drooling over her. He almost swooned when she cocked her head at him and soon found himself subject to the queerest look a woman had ever given him. Realizing he wasn't flattering himself, he snapped to attention and outstretched his hand, wearing the most charming smile he could muster in the face of this astounding beauty.

"Hello-" he said in an attempt to begin to introduce himself, but she frowned and looked over his shoulder into Zoro's apartment.

"Excuse me," she said and pushed past him to get inside. "Zoro?" she called, lugging in a large blue cooler with Zoro's gig bag strapped to her back. She ignored Sanji outright as she stepped into the living area, using both hands to pull the cooler with her. "There's a creep at the door."

Wounded, Sanji wilted behind her and shut the door politely as she walked the cooler around and into Zoro's kitchen.

"I have your stupid guitar," she spoke again, speaking louder now that she noticed Zoro wasn't in the front room. She gave Sanji another weird look when he followed her, and made sure to set the cooler on the floor between them. "And Chopper's food... Zoro, do you know this guy's here?"

"Yeah, he's the asshole from yesterday," Zoro said, finally emerging from the back room he'd been submerged in, victoriously clutching a book of matches in his hand. "Just ignore him."

"Excuse you," Sanji said, and both punks directed their attention to him as he frowned deeply and strode forward to confront Zoro. "How dare you introduce me to such a gorgeous lady like that with such little grace! What lies have you been telling this angel about me? What tall-tales have you been telling her to bastardize me with?"

There was a brief moment of silence before Zoro sputtered into laughter, turning away from Sanji's disgusted face to laugh outright.

"Oh my God," the girl said, grinning broadly. "Wow. I like him, let's keep him."

Caught between wanting to put Zoro in his place for insulting him, and wanting to properly introducing himself to the woman, Sanji floundered for a moment before turning towards her and bowing deeply.

"If you would have me, I will be yours."

"Holy shit," Zoro said breathlessly, red-faced from laughing as hard as he was. He clutched his sides as he took in several deep breaths to collect himself and chuckled deeply. "Holy shit, Nami, no, one dog is enough. Down, boy."

He swatted the back of Sanji's head and ruffled his hair, messing his already unkempt hair around. Sanji righted himself immediately and shoved at a still laughing Zoro, but was calmed when he felt a hand on his arm and turned to see the young woman looking at him with a smile.

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