In A Big City

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Rare were the days that Zoro went in to work early. Rarer still were the days where he managed not to get lost on the way. It was the rarest day of all that saw Zoro, for the first time in all his years of working at Franky's shop that saw Zoro make it to work both early and without having to ask for directions.

Together, Franky and Nami were in awe of this unimaginable feat when he arrived, the two of them unsure if they had been deposited into some sort of alternate reality where their Zoro had been replaced with a more competent version.

"Whoa man, is there something special going on today or what?" Franky had asked with a surprised laugh, to which Zoro didn't reply, but Nami soon began to recognize his behaviour.

When Zoro really focused on something, and she meant really set his mind straight, Nami knew that he was capable of pretty much anything he wanted to be capable of. He just had to have the drive, the need, the want to do it badly enough to do it as well as he could.

Music was one of those things.

He loved it; it was his passion, his career, his ultimate direction in life. It meant everything to him, and when he realized he could share that passion, educate other people to explore and perform it as well as he could, well, that had just amplified everything he already felt.

When Zoro showed up for work early, it was because he was excited to have a new pupil.

When he showed up unhindered by his navigational flaws, it was because he was focused.

With a slight frown, Nami knew it was because he was focused and thinking about teaching Sanji.

A thick feeling of jealousy curdled in her stomach as Zoro passed her and went to play around with the floor guitars until his first lesson of the day showed up. That feeling bubbled up every time Zoro expressed that much interest in someone new that wasn't an immediate member of their group, but she managed to quell it whenever it arose by reminding herself that that part of their lives was over.

Their time together like that was done.

With a deep sigh, she began to smile again at customers as they entered and left the building, ringing up purchases as they did.

During the week, business for Zoro was slow. Most of the people he taught were younger, and had school to go to before they could get a real education by his hand. When he'd first started giving music lessons, it was hard for most people, himself included, to believe that he actually enjoyed the pursuit.

He hadn't thought he'd have the patience for it. No one really did, but when his band fell through, he hadn't known what to do with his time or talent; what other job could a punk like him have that didn't revolve around playing music?

The whole thing had been Franky's idea.

Rather than let Zoro's talent waste away with disuse, he'd offered to let him teach it at his store. Zoro only accepted because Nami had said it would be good for him, and together they took positions at Super-Star! Guitars.

The first few lessons he'd taught had been awkward, sure; he really didn't have any idea about how he was supposed to teach anyone anything.

His patience did run thin at times when it became hard for him to explain concepts he understood perfectly, but couldn't find a way to relate it to his pupils. He was miserable with the work until someone did learn something.

The first time someone had learnt a song from his teaching had been unforgettable. The look on their face was one of triumph, pride, and excitement. It was one that realized it had creative potential, and had been turned on Zoro with such thankfulness that he'd been taken aback by how powerful of an emotion it expressed.

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