Art Lover

230 13 3

"You have got to be kidding me."


Zoro stood in the doorway to Sanji's apartment and glanced down at himself with a confused and annoyed expression. Likewise, Sanji was staring down at his outfit with an expression of disdain, for not only was Zoro late, but he was, in Sanji's quite honest opinion, hideously dressed.

"You're not seriously going to an art show dressed like that, are you?"

"I always wear this to Usopp's show," Zoro said, his annoyance giving itself away in his tone of voice.

"You're not even wearing a shirt."

Frowning, Zoro held open the white dinner jacket he was wearing, revealing that he was in fact shirtless beneath it. A huge, jagged scar wound its way up his torso that Sanji paused to look at, wrinkling his nose in distaste before moving on to critique the rest of Zoro's awful dress.

"And what the hell is that? A tie?" he asked, leaning against his doorframe and accusingly jabbing his cigarette at what appeared to be a tie wrapped around Zoro's right leg, wound just above the knee. "Are you so stupid that you don't even know that ties are supposed to go around your neck?"

"Fuck you," Zoro said, face turning red with embarrassment as he turned away from the door. "I don't have to take this from you; I'll go alone, Nami be damned."

"Oi, don't talk about Nami that way!" Sanji yelled, standing up abruptly to defend her good name.

Instead of replying, Zoro began to head directly for his bike before Sanji could take their argument any further. Cursing to himself, Sanji quickly stubbed out his cigarette and fumbled to get his keys out of his suit pocket, quickly turning around to lock his door before chasing Zoro down into the parking lot.

"And just where the hell do you think you're going?" he said, catching up to Zoro as he straddled his motorcycle. He stood in front of it and grounded himself on the handlebars to prevent the punk from leaving. "Can't take someone with good taste critiquing your shitty punk fashion?"

"Look here, asshole," Zoro growled, shoving his helmet on his head. He flipped the visor up to glare at hit unobstructed. "I don't give two shits what you think about the way I dress, but if this is how you're going to be the whole goddamn night I'm not going to deal with it."

"No no, come on, I'm driving," Sanji said irritably, quickly moving around to push Zoro off his bike. "I'll shut up about the how you look like you got into a fight with your closet and lost."

"Okay, fuck you!" Zoro snapped, wrenching his helmet off his head and all but throwing it on the ground. Sanji stepped back as he dismounted his motorcycle, ducking when Zoro threw a punch in his direction.

"Oi oi, don't fucking do this now!" Sanji shouted as Zoro charged him, throwing their bodies together and bringing both of them to the ground in a heavy drop.

They landed hard and in a way that had Sanji winded and heaving for breath. He felt his suit- one of his nicest suits- tear as Zoro punched him in the eye, and was immediately enraged.

"You stupid son of a bitch!" He shouted, trying to gain the upper hand.

Pinned beneath Zoro, he punched him in the stomach and got another punch to the face for his efforts. He was acutely aware of the cement of the parking lot with the way Zoro was drilling into him, punching him into the hard surface with little regard in preserving his good looks for the show. The grit wore at his skin and his clothing until he was finally able to thrash around and punch Zoro off of him so that he was able to quickly get to his feet and kick the idiot into the nearby ditch.

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