Getting to know

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          It's been a day since I last saw... anyone, other then Ozpin.  He told me that he was sorry for Ironwood's actions and that it wouldn't happen again.  Ever since then, no one stepped into the room, not even the doctor.  Then I thought of a reason why.

Y/N: Nina.  What's the time?

Nina: 12:45 AM.  Everyone in Beacon is gone, or asleep.

Y/N: I guess it's time to leave then...

Nina: What?  No, you need to stay in bed.

Y/N: Nina, I've been through worse... I can deal with it...

          I slowly sat up and got off the bed while trying to ignore the slight pain.  I stood up and got dressed in the clothes Ozpin gave me since they were sitting on a chair.  After I did, I walked out of the room with Nina's chip in my hand.

Y/N: Nina, do you know where my armor is?

Nina: Should be in your dorm now.

Y/N: Alright...

          As I found the exit and left the building, I couldn't help but notice a figure standing at the edge of the ship docks.  I started to walk toward the person and saw it was Weiss.  She continued to look up at the sky with a guilty, and sad look on her face.  Normally, I would have ignored her, and walk away, but... for some reason, I wanted to talk to her.  I sighed and started to approach her.  When I got to Weiss, I could hear her talking to herself.

Weiss: Was it my fault...?  I mean... Lucy said it wasn't... but-

Y/N: You really need to stop being dramatic...

Weiss: AHH!

          She instantly spun around, and a terrified look on her face, but it quickly turned into one of anger.  

Weiss: And you need to stop scaring me!

Y/N: Quiet down... people are sleeping remember...?

Weiss: I- *sighs* I'm... I'm sorry...

Y/N: For what...?

Weiss: For what?  For almost killing you!  

Y/N: I wasn't going to die...

Weiss: And how do you know that...?

Y/N: I'm a Spartan, and they can only die on the battlefield... I wasn't in a battlefield when you attacked me...

Weiss: You-You... don't understand...

          After she said that, she left and went to her dorm.  

Y/N: Maybe there are more things I do not understand...

(Time Skip, brought to you by, Y/N chatting with Weiss.)

(Next day)

          I woke up to find no one else in the room.  I shrugged, and put on my armor has I put Nina's chip in my helmet.  I walked out of the dorm and went to the cafeteria.  As I opened the door to it, everyone turned to me.  People giving worried looks, death stares, as well as whispering to each other as I walked by and grabbed some food.  I sat down alone again and continued to ignore the stares.  I slowly took off my helmet and placed it on the table. After a few minutes of eating, I looked up and narrowed my eyes as everyone was still looking at me.

Y/N: Do you mind...?

          They all quickly turned around and went back to whatever they were doing.

(Legacy) Halo Spartan x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now