Chapter 6: Sleeping in a Tree

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"Good plan." I rolled my eyes, even if he couldn't see me. Seriously, laying low was basically what you were supposed to do when you were following someone, duh. You wouldn't want them to notice, would you?! I grit my teeth and just followed the guy. He was going pretty straight, so we didn't have to twist and turn and whatnot. After what seemed like an hour, the guy finally swerved off the highway and into a town called Truckee. He drove around a while, and pulled into a normal looking warehouse. Of course. We stopped nearby and watched him. It was almost midnight, so there was hardly anyone outside. He was about to walk inside, when he stopped and turned to stare straight at us.


We stood there, unmoving. We were sort of in the shadows, so maybe he wouldn't see us... Luckily, he turned around and went inside the building.

"That was close," I whispered.

"Yea. He almost saw us!"

"No really?!" I whispered sarcastically. Seriously, if Ashton was going to act like this the entire time, then this was going to be a looooong mission. I turned on my ear device and said Jenny's name.

"Leksey! Did you follow him?" she asked.

"Yes, we did. And we have an eye on the building so he won't just leave. I'm sending you my location," I told her as I pressed on the palm of my hand, which had a GPS thing in it.

"You're that far away? Okay fine, Selena and I'll come. And I'll tell Parker and Mark too."

"Have you received any info on this guy we're following?"

"Not yet, but I'm working on it! Now gotta go, Parker just arrived and he's asking for lotion or something."

"Bye," I said, clicking off the device. I updated Ashton on what Jenny and I talked about, minus Parker with the lotion.

"Okay. I think we should go inside to make sure that he doesn't pull any weird tricks on us," he said.

"What?! Are you crazy? We're not going in there until we have backup! He could have something weird in there that could kill us!"

"We have to act now! He could get away in some secret portal tube or something!"

"No! I'm not going in there with you, Ashton!"

"Fine. Then I'll go by myself," he said, starting to walk across the street.

"No!!!" I whisper-yelled, grabbing his arm and pulling him back over to me. "That's even more dangerous!"

"Well we can't just sit and wait around! We have to go now!" Ashton urged.

"Okay, okay," I responded, putting my hands up in surrender. "How about this. We wait 30 minutes for the rest of our team, since we don't know where they are. And if they don't show up, then we'll go inside."

"Fine," he agreed reluctantly. I sighed and looked around, at all the patchy snow. Since the snow season had just begun, there was some patches of snow, but not a lot. I sat down on a large rock and Ashton soon followed suit.

"What should we do to pass the time?" he asked after 5 minutes of silence.

"I don't know."

"Fine. Then tell me about yourself," he suggested.

"Okay... what do you want to know?"

"Um, how did you get into the GTP?"

Did I really want to tell him about myself? I barely knew him... well I guess I did know him a little, but weren't even close. Not even Jenny or Selena knew that much about my past. Oh well. Might as well tell him while we were here.

"My parents are sorta involved with the entire thing. My dad is an FBI agent, and he goes undercover and stuff a lot. And my mom used to be in the FBI, where she met my dad, but now she's involved with the CIA. And when I was 3, I started several sports and stuff, like soccer and all that. But when I was 7, I started to notice something. How my parents would always pressure me to be the best and train rigorously. I knew, of course, what my parents' jobs were, but I didn't know that they had this... program until I was 9. It seemed exciting, and I, naturally, wanted to join. But I was only in 4th grade, so I couldn't. So when I was in 6th grade, the minimum grade/age requirement, I got recommended by my parents, and here I am now." I told him.

"Wow. Sounds nothing like my story," he said. "But that's for another time."

"What?! I told you mine, so you better tell me yours!"

"Sorry. Our 30 minutes finished," Ashton said, standing up. "Now let's go!" he dashed across the street, and I had to sprint to catch up with him.

"Wait!" I said. He stopped and turned around. "We can't just barge into the front door!"

"You're right... Let's go around back!"

"But-" I started as he ran off. He really wasn't that bright. I ran in the general direction he went in and almost collided with Ashton.

"Watch it!" he whispered.

"Shh," I told him. I didn't want that guy to come out here and see us. He gave me a flat look and continued walking, with me following close behind. I just wish we could use some of the super high-tech stuff we got to use in Weapons Class. Yes, Weapons Class isn't just about weapons. Well, it sort of is, but 30 minutes were for Archery with Selena, 30 minutes were for gun & knife handling, and then the last 30 minutes were for new gadgets. Most of the stuff we use/learn about hasn't been "invented" yet. After all, this is a secret government training program. Of course we have cool stuff.

We reached the back door and Ashton slowly turned the handle. It was unlocked. Slowly, he opened the door, and luckily, the hinges were pretty well oiled. He and I rushed inside, closing the door silently behind us. We were in an old Walmart or something. There were a lot of boxes and stuff around, so it must have been turned into some giant storage space. We creeped around the corner trying to find that one guy. Ashton went around a box and I yanked on his shirt to pull him back.

"Are you an idiot?" I whispered. "He's right there!" Ashton started to say something and I put my hand over his mouth. "Shut up." We stayed right where we were, listening. I think the guy was talking to somebody on the phone.

"I haven't found any good ones," he said in Russian. "Maybe we should try San Francisco. Yes, very populated. Near Reno, Nevada. No, in California. Yes. Okay. Tomorrow I shall go. Goodbye." He hung up. I peered around the corner, and it looked as if he had some sort of camping site or something. He had a little cot, a table, etc. I guess he was staying here for the night after all.

"Go!" I whispered, pushing Ashton towards the door. We quickly (and quietly) rushed to the back door. When we got outside, we discussed our next move.

"What now?" he asked me.

"Let's just camp somewhere in these trees... they're everywhere!"

"In the trees?"

"Duh, yea. Do you want us to get caught??"

"BOO!" someone said. I turned around.

"Nice try, Jenny," I said. Mark, Parker, and Selena appeared behind her. I explained what we were going to do to all of them.

"Good idea," Selena agreed. "Let's set up now."

I walked over to the forest and picked a good tree to climb. I went up about 30 feet and set down my backpack. I checked my phone and found that it was already 1 am. I set up my sleeping bag, Katniss-Everdeen-style. Turning on my Ear Device so I wouldn't have to shout, I told everyone that we should sleep now because we wouldn't know how much sleep we would get later.

"Ok," Mark said. The others weren't really close to me, but if I put on night-vision goggles I could see them, nestled high up in their trees. I closed my eyes and just as I was about to fall asleep, my phone vibrated. I opened it up and it was from an unknown number. It said, "Goodnight Leksey."


yay for another chapter!! I think this is pretty short but i think people like this story.... haha! :D so anyways enjoy...................................................

and yes... i did have a hunger games reference :P

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