Chapter 4: The Stupid Cop

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We were in the airport. All alone. We knew where we were supposed to go, but we had to get our bearings straight first. 

"We're here," Jenny stated.

"I noticed," Mark said sarcastically.

"I want a taco," Parker announced. All our iPhones beeped and everyone pulled out theirs. I stared at the screen.

Message from DKong: Congratulations. I'm sure you've arrived already, and feel free to go around where ever you want. When you go to the pick-up, find a taxi with the California License Plate 1ZEA567. Tell the taxi driver, "Take me to the Kangaroo Hotel." He'll understand it and take you to a Hotel where your rooms have been pre-reserved. The cohort is planned to come tomorrow, so just settle in. Do not ask where "Take me to the Kangaroo Hotel" came from. More updates coming soon.

"'Take me to the Kangaroo Hotel?!'"Ashton exclaimed. "That's just... weird."

"Whatever," Selena said. "Let's go to our hotel."


"Where to now?" Jenny asked.

"Well, there's nothing to do until tomorrow, so let's look around. I could use this cash. I haven't gone shopping besides the School Store for a whilte," Selena said. The boys didn't want to (except Parker) so we split up in 2 groups - me, Parker, Selena, and Jenny, and Mark and Ashton. It was already getting dark, but we didn't care.

"Let's meet back at the hotel at around 10 at the latest," Mark suggested. Everyone agreed and we took off. 

Walking down the street, we looked at all the stores, some were antique stores, some were clothes shops, and of course, candy shops. We spent a long time in there, sampling all the taffy. It was dark when we finally got out. 

"Let's eat at this little restaurant," Parker said, pointing to a nice sit-down place.

"Wait!" I exclaimed. "I want to go to this store first!" They had a few items that interested me.

"No way," Selena said, looking like she might faint. "I'm tired."

"Fine, I'll go by myself. You guys go order me some pasta," I told them, walking into the little store.

When I got out, I realized I haven't been alone for a while. Just by myself. I walked down the street, just thinking. I stopped in front of an alley and took out my white iPhone, looking at the time. It was about 9 o'clock; if we were still in Alaska, it would be 8. Suddenly, some guy with a bunch of tattoos just grabbed it out of my hand and started to run down the alley. 

"Hey!" I cried, running after him. No way was I about to let some random steal my iPhone. Plus, it had government info on there! Well, there was a really long passcode to it, but still! I needed it! 

When I finally almost caught up to him, I noticed that there was more than one person... he had a gang with him! I immediately ran the other way, but it was too late. Soon enough, they cornered me in another alley.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" a guy, I think the leader, said in his gruff voice.

"I'm.. I'm only 15..." I stuttered. I noticed the one who stole my iPhone was trying to figure out the passcode. He would never figure it out; it was way too complicated.

"Oh, some jailbait, huh?" asked another. 

"What are you going to do to me?" 

"We're just going to have some fun," the leader hinted. 

"You first, Eric?" said the other guy. 

"Thanks," he said, taking a step closer. I backed up. This repeated until I had my backpack pressed up against the cool, gross brick wall.

"Can't run away now," Eric teased. I suddenly got a plan as he grabbed my arm.

"But I can do this," I said, pushing away his arm. He and all his gang-mates had the same surprised/confused expression on their face, but I used this to my advantage. I swung my arm and punched Eric several times in his face. As he was recovering, I used Jenny's signature move on the one who took my phone - a kick in the jaw. The phone-stealer dropped it and I was able to grab it stick it in my pocket before continuing. The other people got smart and started running, but no way was I going to let them get away. In less than 5 minutes, I had made knocked out 5 gangsters. I was about to leave when I heard a cop car coming. Great, just great. Now they're going to ask me stupid questions and stuff when I can take care of myself. 

"Are you all right, ma'am?" the cop asked me.

"Yup!" I said cheerfully. Hopefully he wouldn't notice the 5 guys piled in the corner of the ally.

"Who are these people? What happened?" he asked me. 

"Um..." I stalled. Then I remembered, I had my Government ID in my backpack and I unzipped it to take it out.

"Do not move!" he called, pointing a gun at me. What was wrong with this guy?! I decided to cooperate. He snatched my bag from me and rummaged through it. Wonderful, now he's going to see all these weapons and things and he's going to freak out. Before he could say anything, I grabbed my bag back, yanked out my ID, and showed it to him. 

"What's this?" he asked. This cop is really stupid.

"My ID badge. Read it," I said. He seemed skeptical but he let me go. 

As I was walking back to the restaurant, I ran into Ashton.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Looking for you," he said with a "duh" expression. "Where were you?"

"Why?" I snapped. "You don't even care about me anyways." I walked around him and didn't look back. As I turned the corner, I snuck a peek and he looked slightly hurt. But it was barely noticeable. Or it could have been hate, who knows.


I sat on the bed in our hotel room. Luckily, this hotel room was so huge, it had 6 seperate bedrooms, and a huge bathroom, so each of us had our own room. Jenny barreled into my room.

"Hi Leksey!" she said way too happily. 

"What?" I asked.

"Tell me what happened while you were gone. Ashton won't tell me anything."

"That's because I didn't tell Ashton what happened. And I won' tell you either."

"Please? I'll be your best friend!" she pleaded.

"You're already my best friend." I rolled my eyes. I wasn't giving in.

"Come on!" she insisted. 


10 minutes of begging later, I told her.

"Whoa... You used my move? I didn't authorize it!" she accused.


"Just kidding, don't worry about it. But that policeman sure was dumb."

"Tell me about it."


I was almost asleep when someone crawled into bed with me.

"Who are you?" I asked sleepily.

"Guess," they answered. I think it was a boy.

"Parker?" I guessed, already drifting out of conciousness. Before I could fall completely asleep, I think they said, "I'm Ashton."


Wow I could have made that longer but whatever. Next chapter coming soon! :3

That police guy sure was dumb :P and yea.... whats going to happen on Day 2 of the mission? o.o

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