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{Peyton's P.O.V.}

I wake up. Nash is next to me. I guess he decided to stay. I smile and look at him. He still has his arm around my waist. Seconds later he opens his eyes. "Hi," he says, giving me a crooked smile. I giggle. I get up. The clock reads 9:30. Today is VIP day. All the people with VIP tickets get to meet us. We pretty much just get to spend a day with the fans. I walk over to my phone and unplug it from the charger. I have a text.

From: Ashley ðߘ‹Ã°ÂŸÂ’•

Peyton!!! I get to see you today!! Can't wait!! Loveyou! ❤

I almost jump out of my skin. I finally get to see Ashley today!! She's been telling me to tell Gilinsky about her. I didn't. He would think I'm crazy. But I know they'll bond. I respond to Ashley.

To: Ashley 😋💕

OMG I forgot! I can't wait! And I have something to tell you...

From: Ashley 😋💕


I laugh and walk over to the bed where Nash is. We take a picture. He looks tired, yet adorable. I laugh at the picture, me looking ready to go to magcon, him still half asleep. I save the picture and send it to Ashley.

From: Ashley 😋💕

HOLY CRAP PEYTON!! You're so lucky! And are you in a bed?! 😳

I laugh and reply.

To: Ashley 😋💕

Yes, but not in the way you're thinking 😂

I turn off my phone and look at Nash. "Get up, we have VIP day today," I say. He smiles and gets up. We walk to his room so he can get clothes and get ready. Crap. He shares a room with Taylor.

We walk in. Taylor is standing there shirtless. Wow. He's toned. I try not to stare, but he saw me. "Uh.. uhm... hi," he says, rubbing the back of his neck. I put my head down. I still don't feel comfortable around him after last night. Cameron walks out of the bathroom. "Dude, where were you last night?" he says to Nash. He sees me. "Ooh, I think I know," he says, smiling at me. I give him the "I recommend you stop before I kill you" look. Taylor acts like he didn't hear what Cameron said. Matt walks in the room. "We're going to breakfast now, then we have to head to magcon. They want us there early, apparently there's a lot of people who got VIP," he says. Great. We Have to go 2 hours early.

Nash and I walk down to the restaurant. There's a gigantic buffet. We look at each other and run to it. We both grab a plate and pile it high. We sit down. Only Aaron and Carter are here already. "So, are you guys an item?" Aaron says. I look at Nash. "Not yet," he says without breaking eye contact with me. I laugh and keep eating. Carter ooooh's. we laugh. Soon after all the boys show up. We all eat and head for magcon. A limo is waiting outside. Magcon is only 10 minutes away, I still don't understand why we need a limo. I decide not to question it and walk in. I sit down next to Nash. Taylor takes the seat next to me. I ignore him.

We soon arrive at magcon. Once we walk in, Bart comes up to us. "Hey guys! there's SO many people here waiting to meet you, so we had to call you in earlier. Since there's so many people, we can't do it like we usually do. We have to pair you up with someone and you will sit at a table. The fans will come over, you sign things, take pictures, and whatever else." Bart says. "So the pairs are myself and Hayes, Aaron and Shawn, Cameron and Carter, Gilinsky and Johnson, Matt and Nash, and Peyton and Taylor. You'll have to stick with them the whole day." Bart finishes. I cringe. Seriously? what are the odds. I get put with Taylor. Now we will be here for 7 hours, and I'll be with Taylor the whole time.

We all walk into the room. The tables are lined up against one long wall. I walk to our assigned table. I'm 2 tables from Nash. I sit down, and so does Taylor. People soon start filing in. I start to feel nervous. "It's ok, it's not bad. They just want autographs and pictures. They came because they want to meet you. just keep your head up," Taylor says. I look at him. He looks really good. He's wearing a teal bandana and the sweatshirt I gave everyone. In fact we're all wearing it. I have mine on, with a black magcon beanie.

Soon after, a few fans come to the table. "Hey guys!" taylor says. They scream. Wow, this is gonna be interesting. One of the girls comes over to my side of the table. "You-you're Peyton M-Montgomery," she says, about to cry. "That's me," I say. She hands me her magcon shirt. I sign it. "Want a picture?" I ask. She nods. She wipes her eyes and takes out her phone. I get up from behind the table and she snaps the picture. "What's your twitter?" I ask. She tells me. "Ill follow you," I say. She screams and her friends jump up and down. Wow, I didn't know girls could get that crazy over me following them on twitter. It makes me smile. I look at Taylor, and he's laughing. "What did I tell you?" he asks. I giggle.

A bunch of fans come over and we take pictures with them and sign their things. We've went through about 50 fans when they leave the room. It's lunchtime. We all head for the exit, which leads us to another room. Everyone's out in the halls. Their high pitch screams ring though my ears. Bodyguards lead us to another room. There's a few tables and a bunch of food. We run in. The doors close. "LUNCHTIME!" Cameron yells. Someone's hungry. We all grab some food and sit down at a table. It's big enough for us all. We all eat and fool around, throwing fruit snacks at each other and just having a good time.

Soon, lunch is over. We walk back to the room the fans still in the hall screaming. We sit back at our tables and the fans come in again. A few girls gave me gifts. I got a stuffed koala, some posters, a few beanies, and some silly string. I take a bunch of pictures with the fans. Another girl walks to the table. "Ashley!" I scream. I run to the other side of the table and hug her. "Have you went to Gilinsky's table yet?" I ask. She nods and pulls out her phone. She's already set it as her wallpaper. It's a picture of Gilisnky kissing her cheek. She hugs me. "I'm so glad I get to see you!" she screams. Taylor laughs. "Come here," I say to Taylor. He walks to the other side of the table where we are and Ashley pulls up her camera. We all take a group picture. Taylor sits back down. "You guys would be a really cute couple," she whispers. I laugh. "Tell me about it." I say. I tell her my hotel and tell her to come by later. I also mentioned Gilisnky is next door. She screams. She goes to the next table. Taylor and I meet a bunch of fans, when we realize its already 9:30. All of the fans start to leave and we grab all the stuff we got and head for the limo, to go back to the hotel. Ashley decided she would come tomorrow, I guess she's really


We soon arrive at the hotel and head to our rooms. I open my door and flop on my bed. There's a knock on my door.


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