Food Court Madness

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{Cameron's P.O.V.}

I shake Peyton off and walk towards Taylor.

"You have some fucking nerve, Taylor" I say, clenching my fists so hard my knuckles turn white. Before he can say anything, I punch him.

I pull my arm back. I stare at him. He holds his face. He stands up.

"What the hell, Cameron?!" he screams, wiping blood from his mouth. "I know what you did," I say, breathing heavier. He looks at Peyton. She walks out of the restaurant. The boys watch us. "I-I didn't mean to hurt her..." he says, looking at the floor. "You fucking hit her! there's a gigantic bruise on her face! Telling me you didn't mean to do that to her is bullshit, Taylor. What has gotten into you?" I say through clenched teeth. Nash stands up. "You hit Peyton?!" he screams. Taylor backs up, staring at Nash. Nash moves forward. "Don't you dare fucking touch her Taylor," he says. Tears appear in Taylor's eyes. "I-Im sorry," he says, quickly walking out of the restaurant.

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{Peyton's P.O.V.}

I change into more decent clothes, brush my teeth and hair, and slip on some shoes. The boys and I are doing a fan meetup today. A bunch of fans can come and meet us, and spend some time with us. It's like magcon, but we put it together. Today's our day off, so why not?

I get into the car. The boys soon come and do the same. Johnson and Nash sit next to me. Taylor sits no where near me.

We arrive at the meetup, which is at the mall. It's a gigantic mall, and it is overflowing with screaming girls. We walk into the mall. Lots of girls grab the guys, trying to take their hats or sunglasses off. Someone managed to get Matt's beanie off.

We go to the tables set up for us. The tables are connected so the fans can just walk down the line and get signatures and whatnot. I sit next to Cameron and Matt. Taylor is next to Matt, who's to my left.

Fans begin to file down the line, giving us shirts and posters to sign.

A girl hands me a shirt. "Oh my god, are you ok?" she asks, looking at my cheek. I nod. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for asking though," I say, singing her shirt. She looks over to Taylor. "So... you and Taylor," she says, nodding to him. I sigh. "Are you guys an item?" she says. "Eh, not anymore," I say, chuckling. "What's your name?" I say. She smiles. "Spencer." She says. "So, which boy are you eyeing today?" I say smirking. She laughs and looks at Cameron. "What's your twitter? I want to keep in touch!" I say. She gives it to me and proceeds down the line. I take out my phone and follow her before I forget.

Once we finish signing shirts and pictures for over 3,000 people, we walk to the small stage next to our tables. There are chairs for us on the stage. We sit the same way we did before. Mahogany hands us each a microphone. She goes down and hands hers to a fan.

Fans keep asking questions, none for me though. I'm totally zoned out until someone says my name.

"This questions for Peyton! are you and Taylor a thing?" she says. I feel myself go pale. Cameron leans over to me. "You don't have to answer that question," he says. I hold the microphone to my mouth. "I'd rather not answer that, sorry," I say. Taylor looks at the floor.

The questions go on for what feels like forever. Only a few were for me, asking me questions like if i have a pet or what my favorite color is. No one asks anymore questions about Taylor, which I was very thankful about.

We have about 4 hours until dinner, so the boys decided to go shopping. I walk to mahogany.

"Hey, wanna go shop?" I ask. "Who wouldnt?" she asks with a smile.

We go into American eagle. She helps me pick out a few outfits. We walk to the dressing room. I go in and she sits outside the door.

"I'm sorry about earlier, I didn't know she was going to ask that," she says. "It wasn't your fault, don't feel sorry," I say. "If it's okay I ask, what happened between you and Taylor?" she says. I sigh. "Well, we were playing a game of

Truth or dare. Nash got dared to stay in his room with me for 20 minutes. As a joke, we banged on the wall and made noises, trying to fool them into thinking we were... doing things. When we came back, all the guys knew it was a joke. Taylor didnt. He called me a slut. Later on, he pinned me to the wall and hit me. Cameron punched him

This morning when he figured out what happened. I'm not sure what else happened, I left. I didn't want to see anything else." I say. "Oh my god Peyton, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't of asked..." she says. I walk out of the dressing room. "Stop apologizing and help me pick an outfit," I say laughing.

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We shop for another hour until I get a text from Aaron saying we were going to the food court to eat.

We walk into the food court, and automatically see the guys. We walk over and sit. We're at the end of the table. I'm next to Jacob, Mahogany next to Gilinsky.

We all get some McDonalds. The boys throw fries and chicken nuggets at each other. Mahogany and I just laugh and keep eating.

I feel a fry hit my eye. I look up. The boys stop laughing. They all point at Shawn. I grab a chicken nugget off Jacob's tray and chuck it at him. It hits his nose. "Bullseye!" I scream. The guys laugh. Matt throws a chicken nugget at me. It hits my chest. I throw a fry at him, but it misses and hits Carter. He grabs a handful of fries and throws it at me.

Long story short, we got kicked out of the food court.

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