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It was approaching two months without Andy. Her room was still intact, surprisingly. Judging by what Miss thought of her recently departed Foster child, I was waiting for a new foster sibling to walk through the door. But it didn't happen. Day by day, the feelings about Andy's disappearance slowly faded with everyone. But not me; though her image never disappeared from my own mind, the pain of her leaving was lessening with every day that passed. 

I thought that that would eventually happen; that with every day her memory would fade. The very thought scared me, because I would never want to lose my strong affection for her. But it was happening, though I didn't know what 'it' was exactly, but I could feel it coming on. Maybe it was natural, maybe it wasn't. Maybe this was supposed to happen in any loss; that anything becomes easier over time.  I came to realization that it must've been acceptance. Almost. I still needed her. Maybe I would always need her. Maybe I wouldn't. Only time could tell. 

Lina suddenly came through my bedroom door, mouthing something I couldn't hear. I paused my music, pulling out my headphones. "What?"

"Dinner is ready." She repeated. "Miss wanted me to tell you."

I put the earbud back into my ear, preparing to turn my music back on. "I'm not hungry."

Lina suddenly reached over, her long dark hair grazing my sweatshirt as she pulled out both my earbuds. "No. You're eating."

I stared. "I'm not hungry-"

"-too bad." She crossed her arms, looking down at me. 

I rolled my eyes. "You can't make me."

Lina didn't say anything for a bit, and I took this time to put my headphones back on and play my music. I saw her mouth words, shaking her head. 

I exhaled angrily, ripping them out once more. "What, Lina? What do you want to say?"

"All I'm saying is that I don't think she's coming back." 

"Great," I deadpanned, "Thanks for the obvious information."

"Well everyone should stop sugarcoating everything," Lina shrugged, "We all miss her and it sucks that she left the way she did, but you have to get on with your life." 

I stared. She wasn't done. 

"All I'm saying is that sitting around and moping isn't going to bring her back."

"So what do you suggest?" I said, anger rising in my throat. I threw my phone aside and slid off my bed, crossing my arms. "Get over it and pretend my best friend in the whole world didn't just disappear? Because I'm getting to the point where I'm pissed off."

"Pissed off?" She questioned. "Who are you pissed off with? Miss?"

"No," I shook my head, "I'm pissed off with..her."

Lina made a face, seeming a bit confused but knowing who I was referring to. "Why are you mad at her?"

"Because," I half-yelled, throwing up my arms, starting to mockingly laugh, "Because Miss is right. Who the fuck would do this? Who leaves her best friend without a word? Especially after.." I trailed off, not finishing my sentence. Especially after sleeping with me, is what I wanted to say.  

I was going off on a rant, yelling questions into the air and not bothering for a response. I just needed to ask them out loud, even if they weren't answered. I started to shake, my nerves giving in to the anger as it turned to tears. Yeah, okay. I started to cry. Lina looked alarmed, not knowing what to do as she stood there awkwardly. 

The Run~Volume 3 ©2016 Sydney WrayWhere stories live. Discover now