Chapter 31: I dont feel right

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"Justice for Camila Cabello's sister, Sofia Cabello, served"

"Austin Mahone, proven to be the driver of the car who hit Camila Cabello's sister, Sofia Cabello"

"Austin Mahone's friend cooperated with the police for Amnesty in the court. "I was with Austin that time. We were both drunk but I woke up when I heard a few screams outside the car. I was about to get off the car to see what happened but he drove as fast as he can to go away" his friend says"

Me and Y/n are currently watching the news with Agent Trevor Duke-Moretz at the Moretz Mansion.

"Woah, I didn't know you could find someone to help you out" Chloe Moretz, One of my best friends, said and I nodded

"I know, thank God!" Shawn said

"Baby you ok?" I asked Camila and she smiled looking at me with watery eyes

"Are those happy tears or?"

"Yes.. happy tears" she chuckled

"Thank you bro!" I said and high-fived our little Agent

"Finally! Justice served for little Sofia" He said

"Is he going to jail for a long time?" Zayn asked and I looked at our Agent

"Yes.. he did a hit and run, not just that, he murdered someone. I read in the doctor's statement if Sofia was taken to the hospital immediately. She'll live but Austin ran away" he said clenching his fist.

Sofia was out little angel, we were devastated, hurt and angry when we knew what happened. That that asshat just runaway.. didn't even help Sofia! He just ran away..

Trevor also found out that Austin courted Camila because well basically Austin is addicted to Camila and hates me, dunno why, then he courted Camila because he found out the case is open again. We also found out he paid a few thousands to the old Agents and Police who took the case thats why they closed it. Another case for Austin, bribery.

Everything seems to go to plan.. Justice for our little Sofia Cabello

And of course..

Me and my Camila Cabello are finally happy.

"Oh wow.. it's already 11:57 almost midnight" Chloe said as she gulp her champagne

I looked at my phone and saw the time

"Oh yeah.. we have to go" I smiled at them and we all said goodbye


"You know baby I don't feel right.." Camila said as I was driving

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I don't know can we go somewhere first before heading home?" She asked with pleading eyes

"Baby Im sleepy.." i whined and she chuckled

"Ok.. tomorrow? Wait! We're going in tour in about a month! Let's go to Europe! Tomorrow!" She giggled which made me giggle too.

"Its 12:43 am. And you're thinking of going to Europe later? But.. if my queen wants to. We can!" I laughed and she continued to giggle like a kid.

We reached our house and I gave the keys to our guard, for him to drive the car to the car parking

"Carry me" Camila whined

I lowered myself and she hop in my back giggling.

"I think you should lessen drinking alcoholic drinks you keep giggling " i said chuckling and she just hummed

I saw one of my maids shaking her head no and her face was full of fear.



Camila looked to me and Her face turned serious when she saw two of our maids have fear in their faces

"What's happening" she whispered and went hopped off me

"I don't know" I answered back

I passed them and held the door knob. The maids love opening door for me with happiness, They never looked scared which caused my gut to drop

"I don't feel right" Camila held my hand tight

I looked back to them and saw them shaking their heads no like they don't want me to go inside

Bad Things (Camila Cabello/ YN (YOU) / Ariana Grande)Where stories live. Discover now