Safe and Sound

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John's POV

I woke up in Alex's arms and I just sat peacefully with the sun hitting us at a perfect angle warming the whole room. Laf and Herc had seemed to have already gone to there classes or something.

About ten minutes later I felt Alex stirring and I turned to him and he just gave me a smile that sent shivers down my spine and made butterflies take flight in my stomach.

Alex's POV

John is different from most people he seems special to me. I think of him as more than a friend, but he will probably never feel the same way. I had a dream about home last night and it scared me past comprehension. Then in the dream there was a sudden shift in the air and John was there protecting me as if I was his. Holding me, and telling me sweet nothings, we'll then I woke up but I woke up to him in my arms making me smile.

I layed there for a while not daring to move in fear of disturbing him. Then he turned to me then I silently smiled hoping he felt as I did.

Fortunately I did not have class today so I did not have to worry about that. John suddenly spoke, "Alexander I know we have not known one another for long but I feel as if we aren't just meant to be friends..." "And what do you mean by that" I replied butterflies filling my stomach (Which never happens) at the thought he felt the same way. "What I mean when I say that is that I like you Alexander you are special to me." My heart pounded at his words " I think your special to me too John."

John's POV

My heart began to explode with happiness with that and I can't explain myself but I leaned in and kissed him. It was slow and steady but sure enough it was like everything melted away and it was just us and nothing else mattered except the fireworks going on around us as cheesy as that is. I pulled away and smiled glad that he smiled back. "Alexander I know that this is very, very sudden but will you go out with me?"

Alex's POV

"Yes I would love too. When?" I said hoping the sooner the better. "Is Tomorrow at 8 okay?" He nervously replied. "John don't be so nervous, that is fine, but we should go to our dorm. Right, aren't we supposed to meet the rest of your friends at one?" I said to try to calm him down...and myself too. " Oh yeah your right it's already 11, we should go."

Peggy's POV

OK so I meet John and his new roommate at one. John happened to mention that he really liked this guy so I can wait to meet him and see who this guy is.

I don't have class today so I just hung out in my dorm all day with my girlfriend Maria Reynolds. My sisters Angelica and Eliza Schuyler share a dorm right next to us.

Ok back to John, John has been like a brother to me and my sister's since high school he was always confused about his how do I put it, sexual preference until he came out as a gay man. It was weird because I had originally thought he was kinda cute. But I love him anyway I was just glad he was happy.

At the moment I am laying in bed having nothing better to do because in thirty minutes I have to leave to go meet John's new "friend".

John's POV

OK so in twenty minutes we leave to go see the schuyler sisters and I am so nervous that they won't like him. Especially now that we are going out. Well I hope so and I hope it goes well cause I don't want it to be awkward after. Currently I am watching pretty little liars because I need to catch up to Peggy it's our favorite show, but too soon we need to go if we want to get there on time we are meeting them at a cafe on central. Alright well let's get this over with, I really hope they like him he just feels so special to me.

"Alex are you nervous?" "No...well kinda, I just really want them them to like me. I really like you John, I just want to make a good impression. I want to make sure your happy and your ready to tell them. You don't have to tell them we are going to go out yet if you don't want to. You can introduce me as a friend first, if you want." He replied sounding as if he thought was a monster or something.

"Alex calm down breath your doing that thing where you ramble. I an going to tell them now it will be fine, do you trust me?" There was little hesitation to his answer "Yes Jonathan I do." He smiled. "Okay let's go, by the way how do you know my full name? I never told you." "Lafayette." Was all he had to say and we went on our way.

Outside of the cafe I hear the sisters laughing. "Alex you ready?" He simply nod and we walk in. I instantly hear their squeals as I am suffocated by their hugs. "John is this alex he is so cute!" Eliza whispers in my ear I nod my head. "Guys this is Alexander Hamilton, or Alex as I like to call him. Alex these are the Schuyler sisters, Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy." The sisters automatically hugged him. " Hi, it's so nice to meet you!" He sounded generally excited. "John what do you want? I'm gonna get a coffee."

"Carmel macchiatto please, gracias." I sat down with my girls "OK GUYS I need to spill. Me and alex are going out tomorrow and I am so excited he is just so special it is like I've known him forever."

"NKJGWQPPQOOMGOFMGOKWN" was all I heard in response. Then alex came back and we hung out then went home we watched movies.

Then as I was about to go to bed he called me to lay with him and I couldn't say no to this, so I did and with his arms wrapped around me it felt like I was safe for once in my life.

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