It's Quiet Uptown

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John's POV 

Sooooooo, in about 3 hours I have my date with Alex, I am sweating like a pig. Like I want to crawl into a hole and die, this night needs to be perfect I really want him to feel the same way.

At the moment I am in our dorm and Alex has not yet come from his classes and I am waaaayyyy to nervous. I leave him a note that I will pick him up at our dorm at 8.
I end up at Peggy's dorm and use my key and just walk in and lye down on the bed. "Hello is anyone here?" "I'm in here Peggy it's John." "Oh, John aren't you supposed to be with Alexander?" "Yeah, but that's at 8 and I'm really nervous so I came here." "John you're gonna be fine calm down take a nap or something." "That's a good idea and I fell asleep right there.

I wake up a and it's 7:55 "Peggy why didn't you wake me up!!!" She was asleep on the floor, well I better run. I knock on the door and then walk in, "Alexander, are you ready?" I see him and he takes my breath away he is wearing a button up with a slicked back ponytail. "Yeah, you?" Oh my god I'm helpless.

Yeah, I'm a goner. "Let's go, we are going uptown." He smiles,"Great, I'm excited" I take him to an Italian resturant and I order a fettuccine Alfredo, " So what are you gonna get, lex?"He hesitates "Um, I just think I'll get the spaghetti marinara."I smile"Ok so Alex tell me about yourself a little more, so far you are fantastic."His eyes darken a little bit. "Oh I don't really like talking about about my past but I will tell you that I lived in the carribean and wrote my way to a full scholarship here."He looks sad brain think of a way to cheer him up, oh got it! "Here's a little secret I have an obsession with turtles" I whispered softly to him. "Really a secret I totally didn't know with your bedsheets and laptop case and your pillow and your pictures everywhere" he teased. "It was a joke...You know who you remind me of...Lin Manuel Miranda, you wanna know why?" He nodded "Because you never stop writing and you just can turn your brain off" Then after we ate we went to a park.

"The stars are so pretty tonight...they remind me of your freckles...of your face..."Alex said under his breath.

Alex's POV

John has been perfect tonight I think I'm falling. I wasn't supposed to do this this year I wanted to focus on school and avoid getting hurt. "Alex what is wrong?" He sounds so concerned he is so cute and sweet. I hadn't even noticed I was staring at him. "Oh nothing..." I respond blushing. We sit on a bench watching the stars and I eventually lean on him soaking up his scent. "Lex isn't it getting late we should go right?" "No I want to stay here with you for just a little longer." he smiles. "Ok," I resume my position.

He takes my hand It's Quiet Uptown

A/N I'm so sorry I haven't updated I got sick and felt miserable thank you to the people who have read this even if it's only 6 people thank you.

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