Chapter three.

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In the end I couldn't wait for lunch so I phoned Paul that morning, thankfully he wasn't sleeping or anything. He was so happy I had accepted his offer and my photo shoot for my portfolio was scheduled for the next week Thursday at two o'clock, I jotted that down in my diary. On the phone Paul told me about this handsome lad originally from America somewhere but moved to London a few years back who's going to be joining my school on that Thursday and is part of the modelling agency. Alistair Shaw. I Googled this 'Alistair Shaw' guy and he is H.O.T. (I'm not usually one to spell but he was worth it) With his soft looking dark chocolate hair and beautiful marine blue like the winter sea eyes that seemed so intense and wonderful in their own special way. I so was in love with them I could have died.

So the sleep over thing with Daniel and River was alright. I guess. Stella called at exactly at the expected time to brag about winning that day's game. You'd better watch out, Stella, I'll get you next time. I said to myself.

When River, Daniel and I got to River's rather expensive eleven bedroom on suite...home, or rather, mansion. W e had lots of fun playing boy-y games on his Xbox (Or just dance. I can't explain the pure happiness I felt when I convinced River and Daniel to dance vs. each other to girlfriend by Avril Lavigne) and eating snacks that would make a starving model cry. That night I almost forgot to binge.

I think it all went down hill when Daniel pulled out two bottles of pure Russian vodka. To say I was angry would be a dominant understatement, I was absolutely livid.

"No! I will never, I repeat for the hard of hearing, ever, drink again!" of course at that time I thought that was true but after that day I drank many more times, so many more that should be ashamed but I guess I'm not. Oh well...

"Come on, Evie. It was funny the last time" he whined.

I gasped "It most certainly was not funny Mr. Burke!" I scolded thinking about my cousins' untrustworthiness again "I can't believe you even brought that wicked poison here! Are you crazy, do you know what alcohol does to your kidneys! Do I have to Google images right now?"

"Come on, Evelyna"

"No!" I half screeched half screamed. Then I did something that people would call a psycho female dog move. I successfully snatched the two Vodka bottles and threw them out a window that was, thankfully, open. They landed on the front of River's front garden with a successful smash.

"Crazy ass b!tch" he mumbled "That was fourty pounds of good Vodka!"

"I shrug" I said shrugging and fixing my hair "You shouldn't have brought those repulsive liquids here"

He mumbled something under his breath that sounded like 'I can't believe she just brought a new moccachino'. I doubt that was what he said.

The next day at school the three of us walked in like we owned the place. We really felt like it with our netball and American football uniforms on. The boys obviously didn't have those big shoulder pad things on but they were wearing their varsity t-shirts and jackets and their school trousers. (The boys on the American football team all decided not to wear those incredibly tight shorts that look a bit camp because, well, they weren't apart from one of them secretly) I don't even know why our school does American football because in my opinion its super boring and, you know, for American people. We walked in one of those cliché groups of three with me in the middle, Daniel on my right and River on my left. We were basically part of the 'it' club where, sadly, people were idolized and worshiped like God's. I secretly loved it.

So we were walking in like we owned the place. We were all getting various smiles and polite greetings, the often look of awe and admiration.

I don't know if it was his bright marine blue gaze that sent solace and chills of pure pleasure running down my spine or the inquisitive look he was giving me that made me stop and stare back wondrously.

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