Part Three - The Student Lounge

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How could it be possible that, an hour ago, he wanted to slap himself because he thought Betty considered him as a rapist, but now, he felt all mushy inside at the perspective of their date?

What the hell happened?

He breezed through the day on a haze. He felt high, high on pot or some drug, which made him unable to really comprehend what was happening around him. His head was a cloud.

Betty Cooper had just admitted she liked him. As more than a friend.

They had a fucking date!

Archie asked about his strange behavior, but Jughead shrugged it off. He wasn't ready to share everything with his best friend just yet. That was between Betty and him.


The next day, Jughead realized he had one small problem – he didn't have a car. How was he supposed to pick Betty up for their date?

"And Veronica just threw that horrible drunken fight so she would make her drink!" Archie laughed. They were in the student's lounge, Jughead, Archie and their friend Kevin, who hadn't been there at the festival during the weekend because he wasn't part of one of the founding families. "She just screamed like a baby!"

Archie was telling Kevin about how Veronica had made Betty drink the middle cup and they were both laughing, but Jughead couldn't care less. Yes, the fact that Betty drank ended up being a good thing for their relationship, but he wasn't very happy she felt obligated to do so.

"So Betty drank it?" Kevin asked.

"Yep, she sure did!"

"How did she take it?"

"She spit half of it back in the cup!" The two boys were laughing to tears. Jughead threw them a bored look. The redhead finally pointed out his best friend's pensive traits. "Hey, Jug, what are you thinking about?"

Jughead looked back at his friend. "Nothing." But he did need that car... "Well, actually..."

"Yes?" Archie was all ears. Jughead was rarely vocal – he mostly kept what he was feeling to himself – and if Archie could get something out of him, that would be a first. Jughead knew it. And Archie had a car.

"There's this thing I need..." How could he say what he wanted and obtain it without saying too much details? "For... something..."

'Yes, go on, Jughead. This is absolutely getting you somewhere.'

'Tell him something!' "Actually, I, err... I have a date."

That got Archie's attention. He turned his head towards his best friend so fast Jughead was surprised he didn't hear something snap. "A date?! With a girl?"

"No, a lizard. Yes a girl, idiot!" Jughead wanted to face palm himself. 'Go on, you need it...'


"Yeah, I'd rather not say."

Jughead knew Archie was itching to know who was going out with him, but the redhead kept his mouth shut, and he was really thankful for it. "Okay, well, what is the deal with your date?"

"Well, it's tonight, and..." 'It's time to ask him.' "And she asked me to pick her up."

"But you don't have a car!"

"Exactly. Can I take yours?"

Archie's face had passed from surprised to downright proud. 'Why was he proud? He didn't do anything!'

"I'm so happy you finally saw how great dating is! Of course you can take my car!"

Jughead wanted to punch Archie to make him realize the only thing he saw was how dumb his best friend was, but he kept his hands to himself. He had a ride.

"Now, where are you two going?"

Why was the discussion still going? It was supposed to be done. 'I don't want to keep talking about it!'

"Err... Marvello's. Now excuse me..."

"Not so fast, Jug. I have to teach you how to properly act on a first date. I have so much wisdom to pass on. Oh, I'm so happy!"

No. That wasn't happening.

"Sit down, Jug. Kevin and I are going to tell you all about dating."


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