Part Nine - The Street

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Their conversation, friendly and easy, went on for the entirety of their meal and a long while after. When Jughead's watch struck nine, they decided to call it a night. Since Betty's house was a few blocks down and it was getting dark, Jughead decided to walk her home. 

"So... are you still sleeping at Pop's?" Betty asked, twirling a strand of her hair in her index. 

"Yeah. He brought me a blanket and a pillow. I'm getting comfortable." 

"But a vinyl booth is not the same as a real bed." 

"Well, since I don't have this luxury right now, I'm pretty comfy." 

"You need to find another arrangement, and soon." 

"I'll think of something. Stop thinking about it." He smiled at her, but she still looked worried. "How are things at your house?" He asked, trying to keep the conversation out of his own problems. 

Betty sighed. "Let's not talk about it. Right now, I'm happy." 

"Well, I'm glad you're happy." 

Slowly, shyly, he felt her hand brush against his. Holding all of his own courage, he intertwined their fingers together. 

They were holding hands. They were holding hands! 

"Juggie?" Betty's voice was quiet, almost a squeak, but it went right to Jughead's heart. 

"Yes, Bets?" 

"You haven't answered my question." 

"What question?" 

"Do you mean what you said back in the newsroom?" 

He looked at her. She looked small, fragile, opening her heart to him, and all he wanted to do was to take her by the waist and kiss her in a way that could tell her everything he couldn't. "Yes." 

The light was back, deep in her eyes. "Really? You want to have a relationship with me?" 

"Of course, Bets! You're pretty, smart, funny... and you have the most amazing eyes." 

Especially when that light is shining in them. 

She blushed. "Thanks." She bit her lip. "I really wanted that date to go well." 

By then, they had stopped walking, and were just looking into each other's eyes. 

"Me too. You have no idea." 



"Do you want to go out with me? I mean, really go out?" 

As childish as Jughead thought it was, it felt incredible. 

"Yes, Bets. Of course I want to go out with you." 

And he kissed her, under the moon. 

He was the happiest of men. 


Hey, if you're done with this, don't forget to check out Volume Three of A Bughead Story, The City! Xx

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