The Meeting-

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Location- Large room with a long Table -Lola is now main character Lola's POV

"Meeting Time" I thought to myself whooooo Jesus better help when I see this dude Diggy. The OMG Girls are already there and their sitted across from me. As i sit down their are 5 seats on each side of me, my Manager and Lawyer take the two sits on the right of me. My Manager starts to tell me what i should say and what i shouldnt say. All i could hear was "BLAH BLAH BLAH" At that momet Diggy walked in with his crew. My, my, my ,my what a Fine young man. And of course, Diggy sat right next to me. I flenched of course but i HAD to keep my cool. I could see the girl with purple hair was eyeing me and Diggy hard. I laughed in my head cuz i knew she had a thing for him and i knew i would put conflict into their precious lives. I looked over at Diggy and he looked back at me and smiled, it was not a regular smile it was the most sexiest smile i have ever seen in my life. I had to cross my legs cuz whooo whooo! it WAS dripping. I just put my head down and looked at my notepad and shoke my head. Then the Bosses came in the room sat down at each end of the table and stared at All of of and said "you all are here today because you are Talented young individuals and we want you to strive and this Tour is just a backboard for ALL of you." At this point I am smiling ear to ear. Then they turn to me and say " We want to know everything about you from the time you entered high school, all the juicy stuff. Everything." This dude just did not just ask me for a life story in FRONT of all these people......but he did. I stood up and cleared my throat, if they wanted a story, i was damn sure about to give them one that they will never forget.

BabyDoll POV

I was talking to Bahja and this chick walks in. She's probably the most beautiful women i have ever seen i my eyes im not going to lie but I knew Diggy and i knew what he was going to say when he see's her. She's just going to get in the way of me and my chances. She sits down across from me and me and the girls just stare at her. Her crew sits down next her and i notice Diggy's not here and THEN i noticed that the only seats left were next to her. I am screwed. About 5 min. later Diggy walks him i smile at him he smiles back me then he notices her and the cute smile went away. He sat right next to her.......FML thats all im thinking. He then brought out the most sexiest smile i have ever seen in my life but i get heated because he has never smiled at me like that before. So im staring hard and i think she notices because she looks down at her notepad. The Boss people start talking and i zone out because all i can think about is her and Diggy, i think her name is Lola yeah its Lola sounds like a stripper name to me. Then all of sudden this broad stands up like she owns the place.

Diggy's POV

Im late i know but when i walk in BabyDoll is staring at me and I'm like feeling myself this morning so i stare Back. She's cute what else am i supposed to do. She's to short for me and i know she likes me but... i dont kn...Who is this girl? I have to sit next to her so i do. BabyDoll is giving me this stank face and it kinda turned me off. I look over and see the most Beautiful Female ever. I had to catch myself cuz i almost tripped. We sit down and i look over at her and hear someone call her name. Its Lola, what a pretty name. Lola,Lola,Lola i wanted to say it so i could feel it on my tounge, but i didnt want to look like a creeper. So i sat there waiting for meeting to be over and im staring at her from the corner of my eye and at the same time i could feel BabyDolls eyes peircing a hole in my body. Then Lola gets up and clears her throat and i have never heard her speak up close before so i'm kinda excitd to hear what kind of voice she has and to see if it matches her body.

Chapeter 3-The life Story of Lola


Welll.... when i was 15 i was a sophomore in high school and life was great, i had everything a normal teen wanted and needed. One day my parents told me to take out the trash.....(she starts sniffling) They told me they loved me and that was the last time i saw them...


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