To The Airport

501 7 3

--their in the car on there way

Diggy: you ready?

Danielle: why should be ready? ive met them you should be getting ready?

Diggy: you look nervous

Danielle: i get nervous about everything

Diggy: you know im gnna miss you and the kids

Danielle: we know, we still have skype

Diggy: are we almost here?

Danielle: yeah, turn left up here

Driver: yes mam

Danielle: its a short cut

Diggy:(looks back at David and Danalynn in their carseats) what if i miss their first words or first steps?

Danielle:Baby..don't think like that, your working for us and when their older their gnna appreciate that. And you not gnna miss anything. And i know their first words are gnna be Daddy

Driver: were here(gets out and opens the door)

Danielle: i got David

Diggy: that leaves me with Dana

(they both walk up to the door)







Diggy: walk faster

(they reach the door and press the doorbell repeatedly)

Uncle D: heyyy (looks a crowd forming) oh gosh come in!

Danielle: thank you

Uncle D: (sits on couch) i see you all over the box

Danielle: box?

Uncle D: yeah what you young people call "T.V"  Loook what we have here....Its nice to meet you Diggy Simmons (puts hands out)

Diggy: nice to meet you to (shakes hand)

Danielle: were are my parents??

Uncle: ohhh their upstairs, let me call them down.   GEORGEEEEEEEE SHAROOOOONN YALL CHILD IS HERE!!!!!

George: (see's Danielle) ohhh your back (smiles)

Sharon: hello Danielle

Danielle: hello Sharon

Sharon: (looks at Diggy) and who is this???

Danielle: this is my husband, Daniel

Diggy: nice to meet you

George: ....

Sharon: its nice to meet you Daniel, ohh my..i see you brought your son with you this time.

Danielle: yes, do you want to hold him?

Sharon: really??

Danielle: yeah i mean you ARE his grandmother

Sharon: SURE

Danielle takes out David out carriage thingy (lol) and hands him to Sharon

Sharon: he looks just like you Danielle, with a hint of Daniel especially his nose. wow hes so beautiful. You guys have created beautiful children.

Danielle:Thank you

Daniel: Thank you

Sharon: he looks so peaceful,

Uncle D: hallmark moment!

George: Shut up! Fo you get smacked

Uncel D: what you gon do?

George: kick you in the nose

Uncle: yo old ass cant even walk, how u gon kicked me in the nose?

Sharon: D!!!

Uncle D: im jus saying....

Danielle: (snickering) well its about time we leave, i have to catch my flight

Sharon: oh okay, well i hope to see you again

DanielleL ill make sure of it

Sharon: Danielle, thank you for allowing me to see your family

Danielle: no problem,mom. (they both hug)

George: your old man cant get no hug?

Danielle: sorrryyyyy hahah (hugs him too)

Sharon: it was really nice meeting you Daniel

Diggy: it was my pleasure

Danielle: bye you guys!

---at the airport

Diggy: its time...

Danielle: yeah i know, i remember the last time we did this, we weren't married and we didn't have kids

Diggy: but every time their still depressing (kisses David and Dana on the nose)

Danielle: we'll see each other soon

Diggy: i love you (puts hands on the side of Danielles face)

Danielle: i love you too

Diggy: this is the hard part

Danielle: Thank you

Diggy: for what?

Danielle: pushing me to my limit, if it wasn't for you i wouldn't have made amends with my parents and being you

Diggy: ill always be there to push you, even when you don't want to be.  The only person holding you you.

????: Plane 320 to Los Angeles will be departing soon (i had to)

Danielle: its time....(picks up David and Danas carrier)

Diggy: call me when you land

Danielle: will do.

(they both kiss)


Danielle: don't be sad baby, i love you

Diggy: i love you too

Danielle: David and Dana say bye to daddy, say bye to daddy

David: da..da

Danielle: AGHHHH DIGGY!!!did you hear that?!?!

Diggy: he said daddy!

Danielle: i told you that you wouldn't miss it!

Diggy: bye little man, Daddy loves you too, bye my little princess Dana!

Danielle: bye Digs

Diggy: bye Dani

(they both hug one last time and Danielle turns)

Danielle: (she mouths "i love you")

and Diggy does the same

The End

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