Vows gone wrong

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Diggys POV

Today was our wedding and i don't know why but i was a little nervous. I was a little late and mom was screaming at me on the phone.but i was only like...15 min late and their not gnna have the wedding without me. I looked around an saw everyone running around but my only concern was Danielle and if she was okay. I decided to call her 

Diggy: hey 

Danielle: hi 

Diggy: you okay? 

Danielle: never been better..you? 

Diggy:shaking like a dice  

Danielle:(you could hear Justine yelling in the background Danielle laughs) this is OUR day 

Diggy: are you ready? 


Diggy: i love you

Danielle: i love you too

Diggy: see you at the alter

Danielle: ill meet you there

Diggy:(laughs) bye baby

*both hang up*

I put my suit on. Did my handshake with Spin and Rog. Spin was my best man. I honestly didn't even know what it was gnna look like. I saw Ang run into the room and yell "ITS TIME!!" I was ready...maybe..yes i was ready. Ang dragged me out the room and brought me outside and i stood at the end of the aisle. Bahja, and Zo were there. And all eyes were on me. Music started playing but i soon drowned out all noise. I was getting light headed i saw my mom and my family smiling. My dad was the priest. then then the doors opened. The bridesmaid all walked over to us. and then i saw Dani walk out with Russy. Me and her eyes meet and it felt like magic. She smiled...it was the most beautifulest smile ever. I was stuck on her, like the first day i saw her. I knew she had to be mine.. I was still staring at her when she reached me. i grabbed her hand to help her get up the small steps. Theirs no feeling in the world to describe what i feel right now. My dad started talking and stuff, like...honestly i couldn't hear anything he said. i just keep saying I do. Then he said it was time for our vows, i was supposed to go first.

Diggy: We have already been through a lot together, and I believe that God has been preparing us for this moment and for our future together. I promise to keep the good memories alive, and to let the bad ones die. I vow not to let the sun go down on our anger, and to treat each morning as a new day to love you, the gift I have been given. I will not forsake you or these vows that we have made, but rather strive to show you my love for the rest of our lives. This is my promise to you.I, Daniel, take you, Danielle, to be my friend, my lover, the mother of my children and my wife. I will be yours in times of plenty and in times of want, in times of sickness and in times of health, in times of joy and in times of sorrow, in times of failure and in times of triumph. I promise to cherish and respect you, to care and protect you, to comfort and encourage you, and stay with you, for all eternity.

Diggy POV

After i said my vows she started crying, everyone started laughing. But she continued, she took a piece of pink paper out her dress and everyone laughed again. I smiled and she smiled

Danielle:Name, today I become your wife and you become my husband. I will strive to give you the best of myself, while accepting you the way you are. I promise to respect you as a whole person with your own interests, desires, and needs, and to realize that those are sometimes different, but no less important than my own. I promise to keep myself open to you, to let you in to my innermost fears and feelings, secrets and dreams. I promise to grow along with you, to be willing to face change as we both change, keeping our relationship alive and exciting. And finally, I promise to love you in good times and in bad, with all I have to give and all that I am, in the only way I know how -- completely and forever.

Danielle POV

After i said my vows Rev said to exchange rings. Spin gave Diggy my ring and Diggy put it on which fit perfectly. Loriale Gave me Diggys ring and i put on his finger. Then Rev said " you may now kiss the bride" Diggy leaned in but i grabbed him and passionately kissed, it was short but sweet, unlike any other kiss, it was the kiss that bonded us together. We turned to audience which i didn't even realized that they were so many people. I just laughed cuz most of the people on Justine knew. We walked back to this room which was only for us. I jumped on the bed not to hard though. Diggy grabbed me from my legs and brought me in for a kiss.

Diggy: hello Mrs.Simmons

Danielle: that has a nice ring to it

Diggy: Ive said i love you to many times, so i want to show you this time (leaves room and comes back with a gift)

Danielle: what is it?

Diggy: open it

Danielle: (opens it) ahhhhh DIGGY WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS

(Diggys looks in the box, he looks shocked)


Danielle: Diggy WHAT IS THIS?!?!?!


Danielle: who would do that (starts crying) WHO WOULD PUT A PLASTIC BABY COVERED IN BLOOD IN A BOX!!!

Diggy:(picks the baby out of the box)....I dont think its plastic....

(someone comes out of the closet)

???: well, well, well, look who we have here... Danielle, That baby your carrying is mine and your "new" husband...mine!

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