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got a really nice comment on the last chapter so this chapter is dedicated to her (Cookie_Goddess), read the end of  the last chapter if you don't remember whats going. Oh yeah Diggy replied to me on twitter In my time of need lol. You guys don't care. lol k follow me on twitter @JetSetsAwayy

Mike: you


Mike: you look shocked. why when you feel the same as i do???

Danielle: Mike....i don't I'm sorry, I'm married.

Mike:(getting agitated) yes. you. do!

Danielle: um you should finish your job and leave before Diggy gets back.

Mike: why? so you can tell him in peace?? no! that's not gonna happen. Danielle don't you see? I love you and i know deep down you love me too. Ive been watching you, keeping up with your every move. I adore you cant you adore me back???

Danielle: Mike You NEED to go!!! RIGHT NOW!! BEFORE I CALL THE COPS!!!

Mike: ill be back...

Danielle: no you wont!

Mike: don't be so sure baby

Danielle: I'm calling the police

Mike: but I'm on my way out (evil smirks)


*Mike Leaves out the room, Danielle curls up and tries to think of what she should do, She runs out the Theatre room up to the master bedroom and hops on the bed and cries.

Loriale: dude....what happened?

Danielle:(sobbing) Mike(sob) kiss(sob) Diggy(sobs)accident


Danielle:(trying to calm herself) Mike Kissed me


Danielle: i feel so bad cuz Diggy just left, hes gonna be so mad at me

Loriale: it wasn't your fault, Mike kissed you not the other way around

Daniellle: .........Mike is my stalker

Loriale: what?!?!

Danielle: he said hes been watching me

Loriale: did you call the police??

Danielle: oh yeah...that's what i forgot, hand me my phone(just then Danielle is in pain)

Loriale: whats wrong?????

Danielle: contraction

Loriale: did your water break?/ (they both look but see nothing)

Danielle: i don't feel anything, maybe it cuz i just got stressed out

Loriale: ill go get you some water

Danielle: thank you

Danielle POV

When Lo left the room i started to call the police but then got sidetracked and i started to do these pregnancy stretches i learned a while back.Then the contractions started getting worse. I started to tear up a little to the point where i rolling back and forth on my sides. It hurt so bad. My door opened and i reached back for my water thinking its Loriale but to my surprise its Mike. He looks at me in concern, and he gets closer to me and kneels down. I tell him that he needs to leave and i start to call out Loriales name. I couldn't even get out "Loriale" when something wet covered my face and everything went black...............

I woke up, and i was not in my house. I looked around frantically i saw i was in the backseat of a car. I tried to yell but something was covering my mouth. Whoever was driving noticed me squirming and looked back at me. It was Mike. My eyes got big and i just realized.....Ive been Kidnapped

Sorry for typos and what not ^_^ this chapter is really short promise the next one will be long

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