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"daniel wake up we have to post a video today" zach said storming in and out of my room

I groaned and got up to start my day I headed to my closet to get clean clothes which consisted of a black shirt, black jeans and my black and white vans, I walked over to my bathroom and quickly got changed and combed my hair, after finishing up, I went over to the kitchen to make myself breakfast.

"goodmorning daniel" jonah said sitting next to me

"morning jonah" I said as I scrolled through my instagram feed

"you ready for the video?" he asked

"yeah let's do it" i said getting up

" so were gonna do a cover of free and perfect for instant" corbyn says sitting down in one of the chairs of our recording studio

i got up and ran to my room to get my guitar

"okay lets do this" i said sitting down next to jack

"hey guys im jonah"

"im zach"

"im corbyn"

"im jack"

"im daniel"

"and were are why don't we"

"so you guys are joining us in our house in la this is where everything happens" jonah said

"yeah this is where the magic happens" zach said

"our tour starts on friday its crazy" jonah said amazed

"and its also our four months of being together as a band" zach said

"its amazing how far we've gotten in four months and its all because of you guys" i said smiling

"we love you thank you so much for the support you all have given us" jack said

"okay so were doing an acoustic cover of our song free"

"you should be flying with me"zach starts and soon enough we all join in on our parts

after finishing up free we do an acoustic cover of perfect we finish the video.

"yo guys that was amazing" jack said hugging all of us

"im so thankful for you guys" corbyn said joining in

"how did we get so lucky guys" i asked hugging all of them

"lets get chipotle to celebrate" jonah said

"but we ate that yesturday" zach said complaining

"fine we can pizza then" jonah said looking disappointed

"we'll get chipotle on thursday jonah" i said trying to cheer him up,i never understood his obsession with chipotle.

"can't wait" jonah said sitting on the sofa

i shook my head and took out my phone and opened it up to snapchat and posted a pic

i noticed aaliyah hasn't replied since last week which i probably think she's getting back at me for answering two weeks late i sighed and shoved my phone into my pocket and got up to go to my room

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i noticed aaliyah hasn't replied since last week which i probably think she's getting back at me for answering two weeks late i sighed and shoved my phone into my pocket and got up to go to my room

"you okay daniel" jack asked as i passed by him

"yeah im better than ever" i said

i shut my door and laid down looking up to the ceiling i hated feeling so down for the dumbest things here i am feeling so sad over a girl who i clearly lost if only i would've replied sooner i groaned and shoved my face into my pillow.


"you guys ready to go?" jack asked entering into my room as me and zach were changing

"yeah let's go" i said grabbing my wallet and phone

"im starving" zach said as we got in our van

"same" i said sitting next to jonah

"you okay bro you looked kinda down earlier" jonah whispered

"im good jonah just felt a little home sick but now im all good" i said

"we'll go home soon just after tour don't worry about it" jonah said pulling me in for a side hug

" thanks bro" i said hugging him back

"we're almost there guys"zach screamed

i laughed at how happy he was that we were going eat something else besides chipotle,we got off the van and zach immediately ran into the entrance i guess he really was hungry,after ordering our food me and the boys started talking about how crazy it was that we were going on tour in two days, my phone buzzed which caused me to loose focus on the conversation.

aliyahcarson3 is typing...

after minutes of staring at my phone i realized she wasn't gonna send a message so i turned my phone off and continued talking to the boys,i knew if i answered it would make me get attached so i decided to distance myself from her i mean she's doing it why can't i?

"yoo daniel"corbyn yelled snapping me out my thoughts

"yeah" i said

"you coming" he asked as everyone was leaving the pizza place

"yeah im going" i wiped my face with a napkin and got up to leave

"that pizza was so good" zach said while rubbing his stomach

"it was okay not the best tho" jack said

"what is wrong with you it was the best thing ever jack" zach said getting mad at jack

i rested my head against the window and zoned out

"we're here guys" corbyn said opening the door of the van

i got off and raced over to my room without saying a word to anyone

after showering i laid in bed thinking what i had gotten myself until i eventually fell asleep

omg you updated again heck yeah i did haha i felt inspired guys btw if you feel like you read this before you did i changed some things about this chapter after i unpublished it so enjoy this chapter of daniel feeling sad ): and there's many different things going on that already happened i know that but this is a fanfic after all so (:
quick question if i were to do another fanfic after this one who would you wanna read about comment down below suggestions!!

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