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*Landon's POV*

After having an inner battle with myself I was dressed and ready to go by the time Calum and Luke came to the door. They took us out to dinner and after Calum and Halley decided to go back to the hotel while Luke and I went to get ice cream.

I was eating away at my chocolate ice cream while walking around the city with Luke. I showed him my favorite stores and places to get the perfect cup of coffee; now a comfortable silence has laid over us and the only sounds we're the cars passing by and people talking across the street. I look to my left to see Luke looking down at the floor with his hands in his pockets and a smile on his face. The only way I could tell was the dimples showing on his cheeks.

While he was looking away I took that chance to admire him, I loved the height difference because I was 5'2 and hadn't grown since 8th grade and he basically towered over me. His skin looked so soft and his lips looked thin and plump, suddenly I was brought back to the kiss in my living room and how everything literally disappeared.

It was like in love stories and I thought those feelings didn't exist.

Not to mention the way his blue eyes just captured mine and I'm never able to be the first one to look away, in that moment he looks up and catches me looking at me so I shyly look away with a smile. I then felt his fingers intertwine with mine, I can't help the feeling of warmth that envelopes me at the slightest touch.

Luke stops walking and takes both of my hands in his before looking Ito my eyes with a small smile. My heart flutters and I never though that was even possible, I'm not sure how log we stood there just looking into each other's eyes but it felt like forever and I was perfectly okay with that. His eyes flickered down to my lips like last time and to say just butterflies we're let loose in my stomach is an understatement.

"Did you have fun tonight?" He asks quietly but loud enough for me to hear. I nod and don't even try to fight the wide grin I have, "Yeah, it was great, perfect even. I haven't been on a date in a while."

Since freshmen year actually, "I find that hard to believe but I'm glad you had a good time." He smiles. Suddenly he pulls me closer so there is no space between us causing my breath to hitch. I glance at his lips before meeting his eyes again; they're so close, so perfect, so kissable. Luke smirks before quickly kissing my nose earning a scoff from me.

"That's all I get?" I ask with a playful pout. He chuckles but says, "The next time I kiss you I want it to be perfect. I want you to be mine." My heart skips a beat at his words, oh my lanta he's perfect.

*Luke's POV*

Landon and I walked around the city a little bit more until it got too cold; after I dropped her off I made me way back to the hotel with nothing but a pair of brown eyes and a certain giggle in my mind. I walked into the room and see Ashton and Michael watching tv,

"Hey! There he is! How did the date go lover boy?" Ashton asked. Not being able to find the right words to describe my night with Landon I just smiled and fell onto the bed with a sigh.

"Did you kiss her?" Michael asked knowing usually I'm too shy to make any moves, "No well I mean we kissed that night at the club and when I went over but I wanted to wait until she's mine."

"How are you so sure she'll be yours?" Ashton teases with a laugh. I roll my eyes but smile, I know because of the way she acted with me. Her giggles and smiles and blushing and looking away when I complimented her. I could see in her eyes that she may have feelings for me; I wasn't sure the night in we living room because she seemed to be having a battle with herself in her head but tonight she seemed fine.

I wonder what went on in her head, if she thought about me the way I thought about her. Although we talked all night I could see a few subjects she was closed off on like family and high school. Part of me wanted to push just to know more about her but I knew it wasn't my place yet.

"Look at him he's daydreaming about her! He's so far gone!" Michael jokes making me blush. "Well when are going to meet her?" Ashton says in between his laughs.

"This weekend Landon and her friend are coming over for the game." They look at me wide eyed. "What?" I ask.

"Does she even understand basketball?" Michael questions. "Oh yeah she's a laker fan." I laugh.

"Nooooooo!" Ashton cries. "I mean good for you, a girl who understand sports is hot but lakers?" I shake my head at him, yes we're heat fans but Landon just might be pulling me towards the lakers.

"Either way she sounds like a keeper." Mike states. With that I smile; she is most definitely a keeper.

*Landon's POV*

I let out an inhuman groan and silently thanking the fact the that Halley was asleep and I was alone in the living room. I push the lap top off of my lap and stand while checking the time on my phone. 1am, great. I scoff and throw my phone into the couch; I walk into the kitchen and grab a water bottle while I begin yet another battle with myself in my head.

How the hell do I do an article on someone I know so little about and just met? I mean I know some things about Luke but I haven't even met Michael and Ashton and all I know about Calum is he's cute, sweet and a great kisser. All thanks to Halley. When I take a drink of my water Halley's door opens; "You're still up?"

I nod swallowing when I turn to see Halley looking at my computer, shit. I run over and slam the top down praying it didn't break. "Don't read that." I say quickly but by the confused look on her face I can tell I'm too late.

"5 Seconds of Summer: Sticking to their roots or letting fame get to their heads?" She inquires. I mentally face palm before starting, "Halley I-"

"What the hell, Landon?" She spits.

"It's not what you think." I say quickly. "Then what is it?"

I sigh before explaining, "My boss saw a picture of Luke and I kissing at the club and thought I had connections to him and the band so she asked me to write an article about them if they've let fame get to their heads or not. " I say in what felt like one breath.

She shaking her head at me and era face shows she is visibly pissed. "Landon," she warns. I hate when she's mad at me but what can I do? "No Halley, don't treat me that way. I don't want to do this but it's my job, it's either this or being homeless.."

"No it's not. Landon we are fine on Money for a while this is about you and your job. Do you even like Luke?" His smile pops into my head and my heart flutters. But then the doubts of letting this become something more because of this article makes my stomach hurt.

"No, I mean yes I do but what else am I supposed to do?" I stutter.

"I don't know maybe not put his personal life on blast?" I roll my eyes, "I'm not, but I just have to do this article. It's really not bad."

She doesn't look convinced when she gives in, "You better hope this doesn't blow up in your face, Landon because I really care about Calum and I thought you really cared about Luke." With that the brown hairs girl storms off to her room and slams the door. What am I supposed to do?

It's not that bad, I mean it's a honest question and from what I've seen Luke is still a normal down to earth guy. I just won't involve any personal stuff and I'll tell him. I should tell him before he finds out the wrong way. Yeah I'll tell him this weekend.

I suddenly felt exhausted so I called it a night and tried to sleep but the guilt weighing on my chest made it difficult.

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