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*Landon's POV*


I woke up checking my phone forget the events of the prior day, and I think what hurt the most is that there wasn't a text like usual. I tried to forget it, I really did. But it was hard when he was everywhere. All over the city, website adds and even the gossip channels are going on and on about their tour coming up soon.

I caved, I tried calling, the name 'Mr. Lead Singer' was bright on my screen. I need to at least try. I was so tired of accepting defeat, but the only thing that hurt me more than the empty inbox in the morning was the sound of his voicemail only after two rings.

I couldnt help it, I broke into tears.


"When was the last time you ate?" Halley asks for my doorway. I just shrugged, "If i brought you food would you even touch it?" She questions placing a hand on her hip.

I just shook my head and rolled over covering my head with the covers. I hear a loud sigh and the door click shut leaving me with my thoughts. I know, I only knew him for a few weeks, Hes just another boy, "theres more fish in the sea" but it hurt.

So badly, it was this steady ache in my chest. It was always there. It weighed me down even when i tried getting up to go to the bathroom. It was a reminder of how badly I messed up, and if i even went numb his fans have been very good at being persistant with the name calling and death threats.

I can't stand it, all i thought about was the good things about him because there were no bad. He made me smile and laugh, I was comfortable around him, we could go on and on talking about absoulutely everything or nothing at all and now its just, gone.

How was it just gone?


I haven't showered, eaten or even spoken much. I did however call my grandma in tears and she sang me to sleep with my childhood lullaby. Halley thinks I'm falling into a hole again like how after Lacey passed away. I was a wreck. I kept blaming myself, i even considered hurting myself. Halley walked in on me with a bottle of pills cluchted in my hand while I was sobbing.

But I'm not that bad, I'll never be that bad again.

"Since this is getting the best of you I thought I'd bring back the best of you." halley says after she forced me to shower and get into clean clothes sitting me on the couch.

"That made no sense, I hope you know that." I chuckle.

"Oh shut up, just be happy that I'm your best friend and know you better than you know yourself." She smiles. Huh? She walks over to the front door making my heart stop, i hope its not who i think it is.

In one swift movement she opens the door reveiling him.

"Omar!" I shout and run up to my best guy friend in the whole world with a large smile on my face.

"It's me." He laughs, catching me as i pounce on him. "I hear you're having a hard time?" he asks when he sets me down.

I ignore his words and look over to him, I havent seen him in years. This guy was my rock right next to Halley, but he moved out of town in Sophomore year to Texas and now he's here. Oh my god. His hair was cut from it's long length from the last time i saw him face to face, he had facial hair and he was well... fit. But still my best friend, here, in the flesh. I pounce on him once more before we finally decide to sit and talk a bit.

I explain the whole fiasco in tears to Omar and i had to use my and halley's body weight to try to keep him from going to find Luke to "teach him a thing or two about being a good human." Like usual he says i should woman up and stop running from my problems, but knowing me we both know I'll keep running until i fall off the edge of the earth. The rest of that night was spent cuddling and watching movies that made me momentarily forget what I had lost.

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