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*Three months later*

Do you ever look in at famous people and think "Oh they probably have it all, friends, money, happiness, everything."

But you know what some don't have? Trust. And I learned that with a certain band called 5 Seconds Of Summer.

After the month that Luke went on tour he came back to me still jobless and struggling because I decided I didn't want to use Luke as a way to get me that writing job, I wanted to do it on my own. And he respected that. But boy, was it hard.


"Everyone just hires me because I'm Luke Hemmigs girlfriend, not because I'm actually qualified." I groan throwing a stack of papers from my last interview into the bed.

"Then give them what they want." Luke laughs looking through the mess. I look at him with my eyebrows raised and my head tilted to the side, is he crazy?

"After everything we went through, you want me to write an article about you and the guys to get a job?" I scoff finding the situation kinda funny to be honest.

"Why not? I mean make it less boring, but other than that not only will they get what they want, they'll see how amazing of a writer you are." He smiles with a shrug of his stupid broad shoulders. "And to be fair, I would've let you write that stupid article if you would've asked." He winks rubbing my stupidity in my face.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll write the article." I start as I begin strolling towards the exit. "And I'll mention how you may have experimented the same sex with your best friend Calum." I giggle.

"But that's not true!" He protests with a laugh.

"It's journalism babe." I smirk before getting a running start the moment I see Luke stand from his stop on the bed. It was no use though, in a moment his arms were around my torso pulling me into his grip. Lifting me up he throws me playfully onto the couch and begins tickling me making my laughs and pleas for mercy come out in gasps for breath.

"You're lucky I love you.." He chuckles looking into my eyes. A small smiles forms on my lips at his words because that was the first time he's spoken them to me in a non playful matter.

"I love you, Luke." I say seriously gazing into his beautiful blue eyes wondering for the umteeth time how I got so lucky.

"I love you, too Landon." He spoke before connect our lips.


So I printed the article in Vogue. Yes, you heard me, freaking Vogue! And well my writing blew up, I got my own music blog and I was reviewing and writing about all the new and old bands and artists in the industry.

Luke and the guys were touring again and that was fine because my new job kept me just as busy.

Everything fell into place and I couldn't have been happier.


"I still don't don't get it." Luke sighed into the phone making me laugh.

At the moment he was in his tour bus on his way to the next city and I was in a hotel room in Philly for a job, but since we both had some down time we decided to watch a movie.

"How could you not? Okay, so the boy and girl grew up together, they were best friends and they only had each other. Then the girls parents got divorced and she had to move out of the city. Years later they bump into each other in New York and end up falling in love.." I smile at the plot. It was cheesy, but still cute.

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock, I got that. But what the fuck is serendipity?" Luke asks and I can just imagine his squinting his eyes in confusion.

"It means, things happening by chance in a happy or beneficial way. Like as if it's meant to be.." I try to explain.

"So like how we met by accident and no matter what everything still worked out?" He questions making a smile form on my face.

"Yeah.. Like that.." I say quietly realizing how everything happened like it was supposed to be this way.

"So it was serendipity that led me to you?" Luke speaks up and I know for a fact that he's smiling just as wide as I am.

"Yup. Serendipity as it's finest."


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