6. Old Habits Die Hard

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Once they find a table, the first thing Rory and Steph do is request drinks and head to the dance floor

At the table

"I'm taking it all is going well with her lately?" Colin asks

"Yes, it seems to be going great she's back to her happy self again," Logan says

"Mate, Are you back together?" Finn asks

"No, Not yet but I hope soon," Logan says

"Logan don't push her too much she may not like that" Colin says

"I'm trying so hard to be careful, I just love her and wish I could make it all better overnight," Logan says

"Just keep showing her that you care and love her and prove you won't walk away again," Colin says

"I'm trying my hardest, I hope flying out her to surprise her is helping me prove it," Logan says

"Mate, You came for the first baby related appointment without her asking, I'm sure it's helping," Finn says

Rory and Steph

"So what's the deal with you and Huntzburger?" Steph asks

"What do you mean?" Rory asks

"You seem to be getting along really well like you did before," Steph says

"Ya I do still love him, and well I think he's trying to prove he wants to be around me mean and the bean," Rory says

"Rory, I have never seen him more determined to prove something to anyone never mind the fact that he's trying to win you back like crazy, without spending a shit ton of money," Steph says

"Ya, I know, it's working a bit too but please don't tell the guys, I don't need him to stop working so hard thinking he's already broken me down," Rory says

"Your crazy I love seeing him work so hard, he deserve to have to work hard for once in his life," Steph says

"We should get back to the table our drinks are there," Rory says

"Ya I'm thirsty, and we are being eyed up by some creepers over there," Steph says

Rory and Steph quickly headed to the table to the guys

"Crap, Steph they are coming this way," Rory says

Steph got a wicked look in her eye and turned to Colin placing her hand on his inner thigh and leaning into giving him a passionate kiss. Rory panicked and turned to her left and put one hand on Logan's chest and the other on the back of his neck and pulled him in for a passionate kiss that went much longer and much deeper then Steph and Colin's kiss.

"Hemm hem" Finn cleared his throat to break them out of it

"Darling, what was that about," Finn asked

"Sorry, I panicked and did the first thing I could think of when I saw those two creepers who were checking Steph and me out on the dance floor approaching," Rory says shyly

"Glad to be of assistance," Logan says

"Love, That seemed a little deep just to be a panic kiss," Finn says

"I got carried away ok, I'm still not used to not being with Logan," Rory says

"Finn," Logan said warningly

"Rory, please don't hurt our boy, we know he hurt you, but we don't want you two hating each other while raising this bean," Colin says

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean too, I do still love him I just sometimes forget everything's different now," Rory says shedding a tear

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