49. Plan's and Talk's

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February 16th, 2013

Finn and Rory woke up early today to discuss the plan of living together. They decided he would move all his clothing, his daily needed items and some other personal things into the room he had been staying in and they would tell the kids Finn was moving in full time, They also discussed the possibility of moving in the future.

"Finn what would you say if I said I wanted to move, possibly out of new york, into a bigger place that has more room to uh expand...." Rory asked shyly

"Are you asking what I think your asking?" Finn asks

"Well, I guess yes. I would love to have more kids if we were to get married in the future but also right now Emi and Adie are already sharing and I don't thin kit would be fair to put a baby with them or even with Eli by the time we would possibly have a baby" Rory says

"I understand, Honestly I think it would be good for the kids to have the option of having separate rooms in the future. I also agree it wouldn't be fair to put a baby in either room as Emi and Eli are already 5 and Adie is 4, There would be a larger age gap of course" Finn says

"I know it would be hard to find a 5+ bedroom that's suitable for kids in New York," Rory says

"Love, We will find a place anywhere you chose but wouldn't we have to stick close to HPG for you to be able to have a short commute. I can work from anywhere" Finn says

"I also thought I might just not go back to work.... Maybe hire people to take care of HPG, and I just pop in time to time" Rory says

"That could work, I would love to have you with me more often," Finn says

After Finn and Rory figured out the plan, they waited for the kids to wake up so they could talk to them about the plan and get Finn's stuff packed up.

Over the next week Finn, Rory and the kids go to Finn's place to help pack up his clothing and things he will need for a day to day basis and pack other things to be put into storage until they find a new home. They decided to keep Finn's place as more of a guest suite. All the Furniture, decorations and anything anyone would need to stay at the apartment was being left, but anything personal was being boxed up.

February 23rd, 2013

"Morning Mommy and Finny" Emi, Eli and Adie say in unison

"Morning my babies," Rory says

"Morning Kids," Finn says

"What's for breakfast today?" The kids ask

"Waffles, whip cream and sausage," Finn says

"YAYYYYYYY" The kid's cheer

"Mommy, me and Adie talked, and she wants her own room," Emi says

"Is that right Adie?" Rory asks

"Yup momma, I want own room like Eli," Adie says

"I'm sorry girls, but we just don't have enough room's for you to have your own room," Rory says

"Why doesn't Finny just move into your room mommy? Daddy left enough room for Finny, and we know he loves you like daddy did" Emi says

Rory and Finn look at each other them to the kids in shock

"What do you mean Emi?" Rory asks

"Mommy, Finny looks at you the way daddy used to look at you, and you look at him the way you used to look at daddy. Finny Also loves us as daddy did and we love him too" Eli and Emi say

"How are you so smart at your age?" Rory asks with a tear running down her cheek

"We are Half you and half daddy, so we are super smart," Eli and Emi say in unison

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