18. Facing Society Together

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August 17th, 2007

Rory and Logan headed to the airport straight after Logan got off work to head into Hartford. That night they were to be meeting up with Colin and Mitchum to get the contracts signed and finalized then the next day was the DAR event that both himself and Rory were summoned to attend. The signing of the contracts went very well, Shira was not so happy about aspects of them, but it was business and between the Huntzburger men and Rory.

"I hope this doesn't mean you think your good enough to be a Huntzburger wife" Shira states

"Enough Shira,  you poisoned my brain with enough lies to get me to agree with you before, but now I see dear Rory is truly more like my dear Emma then I ever thought," Elias says

"Yes she is father," Mitchum says

"What do you mean Mr.  Huntzburger" Rory asks

"I don't know if Logan has told you much about my departed wife, but she was much like you. She was motivated and loved the family business. I met her when she was an intern, and I was starting out to take over from my father, we became friends and began a relationship. 2 years later we ended up married, she was a reporter, and I was the CEO of the company. A year after we married along came Mitchum, and my dear Emma still worked with him on her hip. Then a year later along came Seraphina and Emma worked hard with the kids right with her, we had a Helper of course but she did mostly everything with those kids and up until Seraphina got sick she worked and was a mother at the same time. She balanced a career and motherhood like any Huntzburger wife should be able to do if she chooses" Elias says

"You mean Huntzburger wives didn't always just tend to their husbands and his social calendar?" Rory asks

"No, some of us married for love and not because we knocked up some stripper," Elias said Looking right towards Shira

"Excuse me, Mitchum said he loved me and would have married me even if I didn't get pregnant" Shira says

"Shira, I'm old but not old enough not to remember the events," Elias says

"Mitchum tell him, tell him the truth it was not like that" Shira whines

"I'm sorry I can't," Mitchum says walking away from the group

Shira walks off in a huff, and Logan, Rory, and Elias were trying not to laugh.

"Now kid's I would like to have a conversation with you privately,  come to the study with me," Elias says

"Yes sir," Rory says following Elias and Logan

In the study

"Now we can all let out our chuckle," Elias says

"Logan, why did you not tell me this all before?" Rory asks

"About my mom or my grandmother?" Logan asks

"Both" Rory says

"Logan did not know everything about his mother and did not know much about his grandmother's life before him, he was aware that she worked for the company but decided to become a stay at home wife, but he didn't know that she worked after the kids were born," Elias says

Mitchum walks into the study

"So I take it you all got a chuckle about finding out about the real Shira," Mitchum says

"Yes, why am I just finding out now?" Logan asks

"Now your old enough to know the truth," Mitchum says

"So please explain everything," Logan says

"Your grandfather would send me into Kansas every few weeks to check on a newspaper we owned there. Then we acquired a paper there I was to stay in Kansas for six weeks, in this time I met a stripper and befriended her right into the bedroom, three weeks later she informed me I was to become a father. She said if I didn't marry her, she would do anything she could to destroy my name and take me for all she could get" Mitchum says

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