27. Butt-Faced Miscreant

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Tristan walked up to Colin, Finn, Robert and a few other of the LDB members he knew that were in attendance.

"Ok seriously could none of you told me that Logan's "Ace" was none other than A Gilmore girl? Seriously Finn I know I told you that my Mary's name was Rory Gilmore and you let Logan marry her knowing I love her" Tristan says with a growl

"Mate, I have no idea what you are talking about, We knew she went to Chilton but as far as we knew she started after you got shipped off. I don't remember you calling he4r anything but Mary so how was I to know, You need to remember I was mainly always drunk from the age of 15 till recently" Finn says

"Bullshit Finn, What about the rest of you someone had to know she was my Mary," Tristan says with a growl

"None of us knew anything, and if she was your Mary like you claim why did you not try to find her after you got out of military school? It's been what almost 5 years since you graduated" Colin asks

"I did look for her I thought she was at Harvard like she always said she was going to go," Tristan says

"What you didn't think her plan could change so you couldn't see if your mommy could find out more information in the society circle about where she could have been? Seriously, Tristan. You can't have a crush on a girl and not see her for 6 years then be upset she moved on. You never dated her, and she wasn't yours in the first place. She loves Logan and Logan loves her so just let it be no one conspired against you" Robert says

"You knew didn't you Robert, and You let him marry my girl without letting me have a chance to reconnect with her" Tristan shouted

"I had my suspicion's, but by then it was already too late she had gotten back with Logan after graduation, and there was no tearing them apart," Robert says

"You selfish bastard, why didn't you tell me her name other than any nick name you bone heads came up with to call her? There was no way I could have known anything from you all calling her Love, Reporter Girl, Ace or anything other the Rory" Tristan says

"Too bad you didn't find her in your freshman year in college because while Rory was at Yale, we were in Fiji, It wasn't until the beginning of your sophomore year Logan, and she met," Colin says

"You're kidding me, right? They have only been together just over 3 years, and they are married with two children" Tristan says

"No, they aren't kidding. Just remember your parents didn't even wait that long to get married and have their spawn" Steph says

"Young lady how dare you speak to my son like that, of all people you shouldn't talk you're a scandal child," Caroline says

"Oh please, I'm not a scandal child, My dad is a scandal he left my mom and me," Steph says

"Oh no your dad isn't the scandal he just left to get away from your mother the black widow I'm talking about your mother's what 4th husband that you slept with and caused a divorce," Caroline says

"Someone has the wrong, twisted information, He molested her and then her mother found out and divorced him, Stephanie was just a child and went through a huge trauma how dare you even bring it up," Colin says

"Oh please don't defend her just because you feel you're like her due to the amount your father has married and divorced, he's on his what 8th wife now?" Caroline asks snidely

"Listen Caroline. I don't care what you think of Steph or myself because you have your information twisted but I will mention if you decide to go on I can have you charged with slander as nothing you have claimed about Stephanie is true and there is a gag order on anything about the case" Andrew McCrea says

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