Chapter Two

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Wally was already speeding towards the meta when Barry got there.

"Since when was Wally so fast?" Barry asked into the earpiece and got no reply.

"Would you look at that, Kid Flash. Well, well, well, you'll always be Flash's shadow. But we all know how this ends, with me getting away. " the meta girl stated, shooting a substance at Wally.

"Guys, this doesn't look good. " Barry stated, running over.

"Hey. " he called, gaining the meta's attention. "Why don't you leave my friend alone? "

"Ah, Flash, just the meta I wanted to see. " the meta stated, walking towards Barry.

Barry took a few steps back.

The meta stopped just a few centimetres away from Barry and smiled, holding her arms out in front of her.

"What are you doing?" Barry asked in a confused tone.

"You're going to arrest me aren't you?" the meta asked, still holding her arms out in front of her.

Barry looked past the meta at Wally who shrugged, "You guys are hearing this too, right?" he asked.


"Crystal clear."

"Well?" the meta asked, shaking her arms in Barry's face.

Barry cuffed the meta and sped her back to S.T.A.R Labs.

"I could've done that by myself you know?" the meta stated, as Barry put her in a cell.

Barry rolled his eyes and locked the cell, walking away.

"Hey. Don't just ignore me, you may be the 'fastest man alive'. But do you really think- " the rest of her sentence was blocked off by the door closing.

Barry walked back into the lab to find Cisco and Caitlin with Wally on one of the hospital beds.

"What happened?" Barry asked, walking over.

"I was scorched by that meta's weird ray she shot at me." Wally said, wincing as Caitlin took a sample of his scorched skin.

"Scorch. I like it." Cisco said with a smile.

"No." Barry and Caitlin said together.

"We're not calling the meta Scorch jut because her powers scorched Wally's leg. " Barry said.

"How about-" Cisco was cut off by HR.

"How about we call her Plasma Blast?" he asked.

Barry nodded, "I like it. Plus, judging by the look of that scorch on your leg Wally, it looks like she hit you with something extremely cold." he stated.

"How is that even possible?" Wally asked, "Cold thing can't scorch you. Hot thing can."

"Not necessarily, at extremely cold temperatures, snow and ice can burn skin, so scorching shouldn't be much different." Barry said.

With that Caitlin quickly tensed up, "I'm going to go run some tests on this." she stated, quickly.

"But, you said Plasma. Scientifically, plasma can not be as cold as ice." Cisco pointed out.

Barry shook his head, "Not on this Earth. Which is why I believe that our meta friend isn't from our Earth." he said, standing up.

"I'm going to go talk to our meta friend." Cisco said, getting and walking away.

"Do you really think she could be from another Earth Barry?" Wally asked.

Barry nodded, "I believe so." he said.

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