Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Yes, well, you've got our friend there." Vibe stated, pointed at Carrie who was tied to a table with wires hooked up to her.

"Ah, Carrie. Sweet, sweet girl." Erebus said, walking over, "She made us this way, so now we're taking back what's rightfully ours."

"What may that be?" Killer Frost asked.

"Our powers." Nyx answered.

Flash looked at Nyx and noticed that she had something familiar, she had Cait's eyes. He recalled  what HR had said.

"She killed her parents."

"She can draw from the speedforce and enhance speedsters abilities but she can also take them away."

"I've only seen her do it once."

"Guys, don't attack them." Flash said.

"Barry. They're hurting Carrie, if you think for a second that I'm just going to stand here and watch then you're wrong." Killer Frost said, creating an icicle in her hand.

"No, I know why they let all the others go. And why Carrie stayed. It's because she figured it out as well." Flash said, walking over and taking Killer Frost's hand.

"Then why?" Killer Frost asked.

"Because Nyx and Erebus, they're her parents. Remember, Carrie can bestow powers and take them away. What if she didn't kill her parents? What if she gave them extensive amounts of power?" Flash said, looking at Nyx who was trying to stop Erebus from connecting more wires to Carrie.

Vibe turned to Flash and Killer Frost, "I can't stand here and watch Carrie get hurt. I may dislike her, but she doesn't deserve this, she doesn't deserve to be tortured." he said, turning around and walking back down the hallway.

"Ere, stop. You're going to kill her!" Nyx said, trying to pull Erebus away from Carrie who was almost lifeless.

"No, she deserves this for what she did to us Nyx." Erebus said.

Nyx's face hardened into a scowl, "No, she doesn't deserve this Ere. Our DAUGHTER doesn't deserve to die just because she gave us god like powers. You should be thankful that she didn't take our lives. Yes, she took my speed and you cold but she gave us something better, something more useful. She gave us a chance at a new life and you're just going to throw that away by killing her?" she asked.

"If killing her is what it takes, then yes. I'll kill her." Erebus said, hooking another wire up to Carrie.

"Dad, dad. Please, stop." Carrie breathed out, pleading for her life.

"No, you are going to get Nina and I our powers back, whether you like it or not young lady." Erebus said, turning the machine on.

"Use your real NAMES!" Carrie screamed in pain.

"Stop hurting her!" Killer Frost said, running over and ripping some of the wires out of Carrie, getting shocked in the process.

"Caitlin, stop. You're going to get yourself killed!" Flash said, running over and pulling Killer Frost away from Carrie.

"No! Barry! Stop, they're going to kill her!" Killer Frost screeched, trying to break free of Flash's grasp.

"Streak!" Nyx called.

"Yes Mistress Nyx." Streak said.

"Get Caitlin out of here. She doesn't deserve to watch Carrie die. She may not be her daughter, but she has a connection to my daughter and no mother deserves to watch their daughter die." Nyx said.

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