Chapter Three

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Cisco pressed the button on the screen and the door opened up.

"Hello, Vibe. Or is that not what they call you here?" Plasma Blast asked with a smirk.

"No, my name is Cisco Ramone." Cisco stated.

"I know who you are Cisco, how's Dante, is he well?" Plasma Blast asked, sitting cross legged in the in the middle of the cell, "Very roomy in here."

Cisco looked at her, hatred in his eyes, "Dante is dead." he stated clearly.

Plasma covered her mouth, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know. Dante is alive on my Earth." she said.

"So, what Earth are you from?" Cisco asked.

"Go ask HR, the fraud." Plasma stated, tapping her finger against her leg.

"So, who's doppelganger are you?" Cisco asked.

"Doppelganger? You've got me confused, I'm not a doppelganger. Something very different actually." Plasma said.

Cisco shook his head, pressing the button.

The door closed over, blocking out Plasma's screams.

Cisco walked back into the lab and over to HR.

"Who is she?" he asked.

"Who is who?" HR asked, looking confused.

"Who is Plasma Blast, she said that she knew you. She's from Earth 19 as well." Cisco said.

"Cisco, what's going on?" Caitlin asked, walking into the scene that was unfolding.

Cisco turned to face Caitlin, "This guy," he pointed at HR, "knows about our meta, or so she says." he said.

HR put his hands up, "That I do, but you may not like it Caitlin." he said, moving away from Cisco.

"What's going on in here?" Barry asked, looking at Caitlin from the doorway.

"Cisco says that HR knows about our meta." Caitlin explained.

"What did you find out Cisco?" Barry asked, sitting in one of the chairs.

"Well, Plasma is from Earth 19, she apparently isn't a doppelganger and she has a strong disliking for HR. She called him a fraud, said to ask him about her." Cisco explained, walking over to the desk.

"So, go on. Tell us who she is HR." Cisco said, raising a brow.

HR bit his lip, "On my Earth, her name is Plasma. But she was never taught how to contain her powers, no one payed any attention to her, especially not her parents as they were evil and she only ever wanted to good, fight evil. But her powers took over and she killed her parents, she was never the same after that." he explained, spinning his drumstick around his fingers.

"Who were her parents?" Barry asked, staring at HR.

HR shook his head, "That's a question you'll have to ask her because your cell won't hold her for long." he said, walking over to where Wally was to check on him.

"What does he mean, 'our cell won't hold her for long'? They're inescapable, even I can't faze through them." Barry said.

Cisco ran over to the computer and pulled up the security camera that was surveying Plasma's cell.

"You didn't think the cell could really hold me did you Cisco?" Plasma stated, standing in the doorway behind Barry and Cisco.

Caitlin stood there, looking at her in shock.

Barry turned to face Plasma, "She looks like you, Cait. She could be your doppelganger." he said.

Plasma rolled her eyes, "I am no ones doppelganger

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Plasma rolled her eyes, "I am no ones doppelganger. I am my own person and I don't have a doppelganger here, because, I don't exist in this story line." she said.

Cisco laughed, "And she acts like you Barry." he said, tapping his fingers on the desk.

"Who are your parents on your Earth?" Caitlin asked.

Plasma's eyes widened, "I'll see you all around." she said with a wink, running away.

"You all saw that too right?" Barry asked, nodding towards where Plasma was standing.

"Saw what?" Wally asked, limping out of the room.

Cisco and Caitlin nodded.

"Plasma has purple lightning." Cisco said.

"What does purple lightning mean?" Wally asked, leaning against the desk for support.

"That she's a potential target for Savitar." Caitlin said, rushing over to the computer.

"How's your leg Wally?" Barry asked, looking over at Wally.

"I don't know what she hit me with, but it's stifled my healing abilities." Wally said.

Barry sighed, "Looks like I'm going this one alone." he muttered.

"Where are you going?" Cisco asked, typing something into his computer.

"I'm going to catch Plasma again. If Savitar gets a hold of her, she could be killed." Barry said, suiting up.

"Do you really think that's a good idea? She's potentially faster than you, can slow down you healing abilities and draw Savitar back to this Earth." Cisco said, looking up at Barry.

"What do you think Cait?" Barry asked looking over at Caitlin.

Caitlin glanced up at him, "I think it's the safest thing to do. If she can bring Savitar back, then she's not safe out there, she'd be better off back here." she said, going back to what she was doing on the computer.

Barry flashed a smile at Cisco before speeding out of S.T.A.R Labs to find Plasma.

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