Chapter Seventeen

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After a few day of with no crime, Carrie grew bored of sitting around S.T.A.R Labs.

"Hey Cisco, is there any schools around here?" Carrie asked, leaning against the door frame of his lab.

"Yeah, there's Central City University, a few small places like Central City Institution of Software and Technology and then there's Central City Institution of Science as well." Cisco said, "But those are all the expensive ones."

Carrie sighed, "So in other words, there's no school that I could afford because I'm broke." she said.

"Yep." Cisco said, looking over her suit.

Carrie noticed he was and then remembered something, "I couldn't activate a powers fully when I was versing Streak." she said.

Cisco looked at her, "Why? I designed the suit the same as Barry's." he said.

"I'm not my father Cisco. I have a whole different set of powers, yes I have speed but I also have cold plasma blast. The suit stifled my cold powers a lot." Carrie said, turning her back to him and walking away.

"Not her father." Cisco scoffed, "She sure acts like him."

Barry and Caitlin were at Barry's apartment, discussing how their relationship was going to work when a breach opened.

"Who's there?" Barry called.

"God damn it Winn, I told you didn't do it properly." a voice said from the other side of the breach.

"Stop being so pedantic and go through before it closes or I push you through it." another voice said.

Out of the breach stepped a lady with blonde hair and glasses.

"Kara." Barry said, getting up and walking over.

Next out was J'onn followed by who Caitlin presumed was Winn.

"Kara turned to Winn, "You were meant to program it for Star City Winn, not Central City." she said.

"How many times will I have to explain to you Kara, the device only works if, you are going to Central City." Winn said, holding the machine.

Barry looked at J'onn, "What's going on?" he asked.

"Oliver, contacted us. Said that there's something wrong in Starling City?" J'onn stated.

Barry looked at Caitlin, "Doesn't he usually contact us first, I mean we're closer." he said.

Caitlin shrugged, "Maybe no one answered at the lab." she said.

As if on cue, Barry and Caitlin's phones went off.

Caitlin picked her phone up, "It's Cisco, he says we have to come to the labs, urgently." she said.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Kara asked.

Barry nodded, walking over to Caitlin. "Let's go then." he said, grabbing her arm and speeding off.

"Barry is the Flash." Winn said.

"Yes." J'onn said, flying after Barry.

"Oh no you guys don't." Kara said, grabbing Winn's arm, "Hold on tight." she instructed and she lifted them off the ground flying after the others.

When Barry and Caitlin got to the lab, Barry saw a very worried Cisco sitting in front a computer and a very salty looking Carrie sitting next to him reluctantly.

They were soon joined by J'onn, Kara and Winn.

"Who's this? She wasn't here last time I was." Kara said, looking at Carrie.

"A long story." Cisco stated, looking up from his computer.

"I am not a long story you butt hurt geek." Carrie stated, standing up.

"I like her already." Kara whispered to Winn who nodded.

"I'm Carrie, I'm from Earth nineteen, I have speed and cold plasma powers." Carrie stated.

"Cold plasma doesn't exist." Winn pointed out.

Carrie smirked, "Wanna make a bet?" she said, holing her hand apart, the plasma in between her hand gave off a purple glow and fog clouds.

Winn's eyes widened.

"Anyway, now I'm here and Mr Butt Hurt won't tell me what's going on." She said, turning to face Cisco.

"That's because the message was left for Barry, and as you stated earlier, you are not your father." Cisco said.

Caitlin and Kara looked at Barry confused.

"It's a long story." Barry said.

Carrie shook her head, "No, not really. My parents on Earth 19 were killed. Barry was my dad. See, not that long." she said.

"What did Oliver say?" Barry asked.

"He said help, and they've got her. Then the feed cut out." Cisco said, "I'm trying to tap into the call."

Barry shook his head, "Remember that Felicity is the best hacker we know Cisco. There will be no tracking Oliver's phone, she would've made sure of that." he said.

"Can we go?" Kara asked, tapping her foot impatiently.

"Of course." Cisco said, standing up muttering inaudible words under his breath.

"What's his problem?" Kara asked.

"He's just salty because I told him I didn't like my suit and that it wasn't made properly." Carrie said, rushing into Cisco's lab.

"Let's go then." Barry said and they all made their way to the breach room.

Cisco was already ready, he had the breach opened. "Everybody here?" he asked looking around.

"Good, hurry up, it's not going to stay open forever." he said.

Everyone quickly made their way through and Cisco followed them.

The breach closed as Carrie got to the room.

"That was cold Cisco." she said, sitting on the steps.

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