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Thunder crashed down hard on the earth. The sounds were so loud and ferocious, they were powerful enough to wake you from your deep, much needed slumber. You woke up in a fright, thinking that it was a daemon. But, your panic was quickly laid to rest after realizing it was just a storm.

You wiped off the light sweat on your forehead with your palm, trying to regulate your breathing. Nightmares had recently flooded your mind during the night. Just until a few days ago, you would stay up for days on end, trying desperately to be haunted less and less. Funny thing was, you could never remember what the dream was about. All you knew was that it was cruel and unbearable.

You lived alone on an isolated cottage, many miles away from the ruins of Insomnia. The treacherous creatures that now lurked and ruled the night-cursed land of Lucis would occasionally come out of the city and wreak havoc on rural areas such as yours. Thankfully though, you were rarely touched upon. Last time you checked, you only had about 4 daemons by your house within the last 10 years.

Ten years already... Wow. Where did time go? Ten years of my life hiding away in this run down old thing? What a waste... But... What can I do? Its either stay here and live or go outside and die. Well, what good is it living when you do nothing!? Am I just gonna stay in here the rest of my life, alone, and in the dark? ...I... I don't know what to do.

You turned your head to the side and looked out the window. The outside was pitch black, the only thing visible was the crystalline raindrops dribbling down the semi-stained glass. As yet another lightning bolt struck, a flash of white light came to pass, making the outside a little bit more visible to you. Within the 1 or 2 seconds, you could see the trees surrounding your little shelter and the small garden you had grown, the plants becoming bent and nourished from the sky's harsh tears. Thankfully, you hadn't spotted any outlines of grotesque beasts.

You flopped your head down onto the semi-comfy pillow while letting out a tired sigh. Your head was a complete mess of thought. None organized or controlled, clear nor understandable. Layers upon layers of different things swarmed around your brain like bees occupying their hive. You couldn't concentrate on any of them. All seemed too overwhelming. You put your sweaty hand to your face and slide it down, trying to help regain some control over your over-active mind.

As you did so, you couldn't help but feel the sensation of smooth, warm metal. Bringing your hand up higher, you set your sight upon the silver, diamond-encrusted ring that occupied your middle finger.

With that, your mind seemed to stop entirely. All functions including breathing, movement, time halted as your focus came upon the tiny piece of jewellery. The more your (e/c) eyes gazed on the ring, the more pressure started to weigh down on your throat, making breathing uncomfortable and painful.

It was the last gift that you had received from... from...

You couldn't even say his name. You couldn't even bear the thought of him in your mind. You were only together for 2 months before him, Gladio, Prompto, and Noct set out to see Lunafreya for Noct's wedding. But then... The war happened. Insomnia fell. Regis was killed.

...And all 4 of your friends had done the disappearing act. No calls, no letters, no face-to-face reunions. Nothing.

It was possible that they were busy with fighting Niflheim, but still... where had they gone for the last decade? The sun had never rose and for the last few years, people had begun to give up trying to keep track of whether it was night or day. Like you.

Had they all...
Been killed?

You swallowed a very hard lump down and squeezed your eyes shut, trying to control the upcoming tears welling in your eyes. You didn't want to think about it. You almost cursed yourself for letting such an absurd thought enter your frenzy of thoughts.

For hours it seemed, you played with and eyed the ring. The more you did, the more you missed him. You missed his voice, his face, his soothing touch, his eyes... Everything about him you longed painfully and almost unbearably for.

Soon, the vision of your long lost love overcame your mentality and you found yourself shedding hot, salty tears. Silent whimpers and sniffs escaped you.

Rolling onto the side and wiping away the droplets, you forced yourself to forget the retching pain in your heart.

As you were just about to close your eyes and fall back into a deep slumber, the faintest beam of  a yellow streak of light made it's way onto your dark wooden floor. You tilted your head up to get a better look at it. Soon, the thin light slowly expanded wider and to your utter astonishment, the entire room was full a natural sunshine!

You blinded rapidly and rubbed your droopy, sleep-deprived (e/c) eyes. As much as you did so, there was no denying what was being seen. You snapped your body towards the window on the opposite side and gazed out.

The sun was whole and full in the sky. It's comfortable heat radiating through the glass, it's intense brightness blinding you for a few moment as your orbs had adjusted to the darkness for far too long. In spite of the irritating sensation it was bringing to your eyes and the overall shock you were feeling, a genuine full smile made it's rightful mark on your lips.

Is this really happening?

Blind but Strong(Ignis Scientia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now