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Is this really happening?

The grasp of sleep was now completely stripped and forgotten from your body as you rushed out of bed and ran as fast as your frail legs could go out the door. The first step into the sun-lit outdoors was like walking into heaven! You could now see the world around you in full detail, even the faint outline of Insomnia was visible. The wind carried a warm breeze to it, it's flow smoothly rushing past your skin. You literally soaked yourself in it's long-forgotten ambience; laughing while you spun and jumped for joy.

I can't believe it! It actually came up! Does... does that mean that Ardyn is defeated...?

Not wasting any time in exploring your own world again, you quickly got changed into some more outdoor-like clothing and dashed out the door once more. You then took your bicycle from out of the rusty old shed and began petaling as fast as you could to the city a few kilometres away, all the while enjoying the comforting heat and light the once lost sun showered you with all the way there.


As soon as you got to the gates of the city,  there was already a large crowd of people rushing to get into their stolen home.

You parked and locked your bike and made your way through the large gate and into the grand ruins of Insomnia. You had a strange feeling embedded into your heart upon taking the first step in. Coming home after a whole decade really caused a peculiar vibe in the atmosphere around you. However, you shoved the feeling to the back of your mind as you were eager to reunite with your old apartment. You looked around at the other individuals around you. The townsfolk were, for the most part, extremely joyful and thankful that they had reclaimed their residence. Of course, there were some people who were devastated and furious as they saw that their properties were slightly to almost completely destroyed by the havoc that daemons had done during their reign of terror. As you saw this, you couldn't help but wonder what your property would look like...


You cautiously and gently pushed open the ajar, semi-broken door that led to your one-room apartment. You didn't really know what to think upon laying eyes on your residence; at the very end of the room, there was a hole in the wall that exposed the ruckus and sunlight from outside. There was a vast majority of clothes spread out on the dusty hardwood flooring. Your bed was naked of any sheets or blankets, kind of like how you first bought it about... 12 years ago?

Stepping in, the weird vibe started to settle in again. It felt so strange to just come back after these long years. As you got to the middle of the room, you came across the door to the bathroom. When you took a peek inside, you found that there wasn't as much mess as the main room. The only thing that was off was that the shower curtains were in the bathtub and the mirror and sink were decorated with rust.

You took a light breath through your nose and turned to the hole in the wall. When you looked out, you could see the town square filled with people. There was some grass and other plants growing from out of the cracks of the grey pavement.

Turning around, you scanned your dishevelled room. You knew you weren't going to be able to sleep in it. You decided it would be best to take refuge under another roof.


"Excuse me?" you asked. The man you were talking to, who was most likely middle aged and sitting on the edge of a sidewalk, was eating something. You hadn't eaten anything all day, so seeing someone else stuffing their face was getting you jittery. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but where did you get that?" You pointed at the item in his hand.

He then turned his head the opposite direction and pointed at a grocery store.

"Thank you."

When you got in, there were a number of people simply grabbing things off the shelves and eating whatever they could find. You decided it wouldn't hurt to follow along since there was no employees or law enforcement at the moment. After walking through a few sections, you picked out a large loaf of bread that was still packaged and seemed edible and a few bottles of water.


You rubbed your full stomach as you searched for a shelter base you had heard about while at the store. Apparently, it was supposed to be the palace itself. It made sense since it was the biggest complex in the city. You pushed back all the memories you had made in that once humble abode. Good ones, bad ones, special ones, and haunting ones. However, you silently prayed that if you were to get a room in the palace, it wouldn't be the main guest room... The very room where... you and him...

You shook your head to clean the memory out of your mind.


Sure enough, there was a large line of people in front of the palace doors when you arrived. The palace itself was in pretty okay shape, unlike most of the city. You patiently waited to get to wherever the line was leading to.

After some while, you finally got to a few former glaives, who were directing people to which room they would go in.

"State your name," one of them said.

"(Y/n) (l/n)," you replied. Another scribbled down your name in a notebook.

Please don't let it be the guest room. Please don't let it be the guest room.

"You'll stay in the servant's quarters." You mentally exhaled a big sigh of relief. "This man will be escorting you." A large, brunette man stepped forward.

"Follow me," he said. You complied.


"Thank you," you said upon reaching your assigned room. The man simply bowed his head in response and walked back the way he came. Soon, you were the only one present in the corridor. Deafening silence flooded the long, empty hall. All the memories you made at the mansion were zipping through your mind. It hurt so much just thinking about them. You decided it would be best if you went back to your cottage in the morning. Your lungs felt like they were being suffocated by the thoughts of your friends and lover. You missed them with all your heart and staying at the location where you made most of your fond memories with them was not helping at all.

"Miss, are you okay?"

Time itself froze. Your breath became trapped in your lungs, goosebumps started to arise on your skin. The aching heart in your chest pumped faster and stronger instantly.

That voice...

Ever so slowly, you turned around to the man who had addressed you. Once you locked your gazes together, your heart felt like exploding. Your eyes expanded to their maximum reach, and so did his.


There was no denying it. The changes on his person were noticeable, but subtle. Your mind didn't even take a second to recognize the baby blue orbs, the freckled face, the blonde hair...


Blind but Strong(Ignis Scientia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now