Chapter 9

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Calum's POV:

I heard giggles echoing throughout the walls of the whole house as me and Sejal passionately kissed in the living room. It was starting to annoy me, as this was the third time our kisses had been interrupted. I got up and sprinted upstairs, towards my sister's room. I opened the door to find Ashton and Jo, cuddled together, watching Monsters Inc. Are you kidding me? "Hey loser get away from my sister, and both of you, stop giggling!" "No!" Ashton screamed, while laughing simultaneously. Jo sprung up out of Ashton's arms and kicked me out of her room. "Seriously stay away from her!" I shouted at Ashton, as my sis closed the door in my face.


Harry's POV:

"Harry's got a crush! Harry's got a crush!" Zayn chanted in my face, as I smirked nervously. "No I don't!" I said, blushing. "Whatever you say mate... Anyways, what's up with Niall? He seems so.. frustrated and is always locked up in his room." Zayn poked my cheek as he blurted all of this. Before I could respond, Niall walked into the living room, rolling his eyes. He plopped down onto the sofa next to us, not making any eye contact.


Ashton's POV:

"So when are you going to ask her?" Luke questioned. "I don't know what you're talking about," I tried to change the topic, but Luke wasn't taking any of it. "It's obvious that you have a crush on Jo, so when are you going to ask?" "Ask me what?" Jo appeared, almost out of thin air. Her arms were folded across her chest and she was leaning against the kitchen door frame. Shit. I've had feelings for her for years but I was too shy to speak up, I have to ask her now. "U-um, I was kind of wondering..." I chuckled nervously and ruffled my hands through my messy hair. "Spit it out, Irwin." She laughed. "Do you want to, maybe, go on a date with me?" I awaited her reaction, my whole body was tense. Her facial expression changed from neutral to complete surprise, in a matter of seconds. "Yes!" She screamed, jumping on top of me. "Please don't tell Cal, though." She whispered into my ear. I chuckled, "I won't." I gave her a warm smile, leaning in for a kiss...

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