Ch. 3 | Subconcious

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After finishing my shower and getting dressed, I pinned my hair up with a clip and made my way downstairs. It felt familiar to me now, oddly. I walked to the other side of the house, to the main entrance and came to the second flight of stairs, the stairs I remembered from my dreams I've had ever since I was small.

With a shaky breath, I started up the stairs, crossing my arms and squeezing myself tightly. I came to the top and seen the door. I became even more nervous as I walked up to it. It was shut, and the only evidence that no one was currently staying in it was the amount of dust gathered on the door handle.

I reached out my hand and curled my fingers around the knob, twisting it to the left until it clicked open. Taking a deep breath to collect myself, I slowly pushed the door open and flicked the light on. It blinked a couple of times before illuminating the room before me.

There was a thick layer of dust everywhere, and I realized it must have been years since someone was last in here. There were cobwebs in the corners, and I swear I even seen a mouse scurrying about.

Upon further examination, I noticed the blue curtains were half off the window, as if someone had thrown a fit and ripped them down. There was a small tray table tipped over next to an old rocking chair, and on the opposite side, was the large cabinet I recognized from my dreams as a girl.

That cabinet is where I always found the dollhouse. I walked over to it and quickly opened it up, there was nothing inside. I dropped to my knees, breathing more rapid and ragged, was this relief? Disappointment? There was still so much detail that made me question everything. It wasn't just this one detail I had to go by.

I looked around the room from my spot on the floor and noticed something I hadn't earlier. I crawled over by the rocking chair and in between that and the small table was a small leatherback journal, the letters "M.D." engraved at the top. I picked it up warily, as if afraid to disturb the scene and began to stand, when my eyes caught something else. Was that blood on the journal pages?

I shivered, it was so dried up, I swear this room hasn't been touched in years, so in turn the blood must be very old. I quickly left the room, shutting the door behind me, I glanced over and noticed the grandfather clock adjacent to the room I found myself in this morning, and a few doors down, I heard movement coming from the inside. Panicking over possibly being caught, I ran down the stairs, and across the house to the other set of large stairs, not slowing down until I got to my room, before dropping on the bed.

I hesitantly opened the journal to the first place and held my breath as I read.

"MY FAULT. MY FAULT. MY FAULT. MY FAULT." was etched over and over through the page, before it got to the last line. "I'm sorry.... I love you."

The next page was one line over and over down the page. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."

My heart flipped at the evident misery from this person. Who was M.D.? I shook my head at the question, and sighed, flipping over to the next page. There was a headline from an old newspaper that read. "Wealthy young woman dead ; Accidental overdose or murder?" There was nothing more of the article. But the word "darling." was written underneath. And then in large letters violently etched over the page "I'M SORRY."

I traced my fingers over the indents on the page caused from a pen being pressed to hard. I turned the page, and read more.

"This book is quickly but surely becoming the ramblings of a mad man, darling. I have no other way to talk to you, and when I try to write I have no idea what to say, my love. What can you say to someone you've done so wrong? You're gone now, the ache stays with me all the time, it doesn't go away. I told you I would love you forever, and that went from being a beautiful truth to a painful reality. Because the light I once carried in my chest is gone now, darling, YOU are gone now. And all I have is crippling darkness reminding me of your absence. I'm sorry about what I've done since you've been gone, I know you must doubt me now, looking down on me and seeing the life I've chosen for myself. I just have nothing else, now. My sunshine, my love, has been taken away. I'm sorry, I love you. I choose you, always. We WILL be together again. Soon, darling. I promise you.
                  Yours forever - M."

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