My Legacy of Lies | Epilogue

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Despite what I said to Grandmother about staying the way we were, I did change. I, who have always believed in speaking my mind and made it my mission to uncover the truth, have found myself keeping secrets. Sometime's life is more complicated than the simple rules we make for it.

In the morning that followed my poisoning, Grandmother, Edward and I agreed to keep it silent. Jeff believed his mother had become mentally confused, unintentionally giving me something that made me ill. He came to the hospital to tell us that, he even brought the teacup from which I had drunk, so it could be tested and the doctors would know how to treat me. But I had already been diagnosed with an overdose of redcreep. We threw the cup in the trash.

Alice and Jasper came by, as did Kate and Demetri.

I saw the brightness in Kate's eyes, then the delicate chain around her neck.

"That pendant looks familiar," I said.

She smiled. "Demetri bought it for me."

In the year since, they've become the best of friends again, and the best of sweethearts - again.

As for Grandmother, she, too, has changed, though I certainly wouldn't point it out to her. I suppose it's hard to keep your life the same with two grandsons, my new rough-and-tumble twin brothers, come barreling through on the holidays.

I was ecstatic for my parents when the adoption became finalized. My new brothers were everything to me.

Edward is away at college now on an academic scholarship. I'm applying to colleges close by him. And we are keeping another secret, though maybe not as well as we thought. Just the other day Jeff stopped me on High Street in front of Tea Leaves cafè.

"You know," he said. "I make wedding cakes."


And that's all she wrote, folks! I hope you have enjoyed this story. As I have said before I am so sad about this ending! I debated om writing a sequel but, let's be honest, there is no way to take this story further.

I am now debating on writing another one. I am just unsure om wether or not it will be a fanfic or totally my own. We will see though! What do you guys think?

Once again, Thank you for coming along on this journey, I am so thankful to you. ❤

Lots of love - Tori.

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