Ch. 4 | Lying Eyes

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I somehow managed to arrive home the same time Edward had, we got out of the separate cars and walked up over the steps to the door at the same time.

When we walked in together, we were met with Grandmothers curious stare. It didn't take a mindreader to know she was wondering if Edward and I had been out together and why.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Edward roll his eyes before he took off in the opposite direction. Not a word spoken. Grandmother turned her gaze back to me, and flickered her eyes up and down my form, before sighing in annoyance.

"Dinner should be ready any minute, go wash up."

It was now the morning after that, and I was determined to get a few answers. Alice was coming soon to pick me up, and we were going to hang out for the day.

I had a plan formed in my mind to uncover some of the truth. Who was M.D. for one?

I was standing in the bathroom off my room, getting ready. I let my hair fall in it's normal style, pinning back a couple of pieces out of my face. I was wearing a blue tee shirt and black jeans with flats, and I felt pretty good about what I was wearing.

I was just putting on some finishing touches when my phone rang and Alice's name popped up on the screen. I quickly accepted her call and brought the phone to my ear.

"Hey," I murmured.

"Hey," she repeated, "I'm almost there, can you walk to the end of the driveway? I don't want to go anywhere near that house."

"Sure," I murmured with a chuckle, "any particular reason?"

"I'll tell you later, see you soon."

"See you in a minute," I told her, hanging up the phone and rushing back to my room to grab my jacket. Once I had it in hand, I turned towards the door, but something on my bed caught my eye.

Of course, my curiosity got the better of me, and I walked over to it. It was a cheap looking, square, white paper jewelry box. I opened it up slowly, cautiously, thinking this could be some messed up prank. I half expected to see a dead mouse. What I didn't expect was to find the seashell necklace I had been admiring yesterday at the pier, nuzzled in the box, against a piece of foam.

I gasped softly and took it out. Who put that here? The answer was obvious, of course. The only people who seen me admiring it was Alice, Edward, and his friend, Jasper.

Alice made it clear she didn't want to be near the house, and while I knew Edward was the only one out of the three with access to my room, I considered the possibility that Jasper had come over, and placed the box there. Or perhaps he had Edward so it for him?

It was obvious to me that Jasper was crushing on Alice, so perhaps he was trying to get on her friends good side so I'd put a good word in? That seemed likely. Though, he didn't leave a note.

I quickly put it around my neck, very proud to own such a pretty piece of homemade jewelry. I knew it wasn't up to most girls standards, but I wasn't the diamond type girl. I'm much simpler.

I left the room quickly after that and headed down the stairs, pulling my jacket on. Once I got to the bottom I ran into Edward, and sighed. I knew I wasn't getting away without some of his commentary, so I braced myself as he stopped in front of me, his eyes glancing to the seashell necklace that hung proudly from my neck, and smiled slightly.

"That's a nice necklace." He commented, looking back up into my eyes. For now, the bitterness had subsided, and I was taken aback.

"Thank you," I murmured, "I think Jasper got it for me."

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