Ch. 12 | Too Late

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For the rest of the time we spent at the club, I was careful not to look at Edward and Kate, but Demetri picked up wherw I had left off. I wondered if he was becoming interested in his old bestfriend. The ride home was awkward, our conversation mostly dumb cracks about the karaoke bar and Janes actions. After dropping off Kate and Demetri, Edward and I rode in silence.

I was aware of his every movement, the way he shifted in his seat, how his hands rested on the steering wheel. Why was I responding to him so strongly? Even when Edward was at his most obnoxious, the day I had met him, his eyes had cast a spell on me. Had we once been in love? Was I falling for him a second time?

At home I thanked him for the ride and headed for the refuge of my room.

Having slept so little the night before, I drifted off as soon as I lay down. When my eyes opened again, the sky was beginning to lighten. I heard the chime of the clock on the stairway landing and counted the hours - five, six, seven - I turned over - eight, nine, ten - couldn't be - eleven, twelve, thirteen. Silence.

My digital alarm read 5:00 A.M. I listened for a moment, then climbed out of bed and tiptoed to the door of my room. Opening it, I saw the stairwell was lit from below. I crept down the steps to the landing and gazed at the clocks pale face. It's hands pointed to a few minutes after midnight. In the window above the numbers, the picture of the moon was halfway up.

Using the key, I opened the glass door that protected its face. Though I could hear the clock ticking, it's hands didn't move. With the tips of one finger, I tried to push the large hand forward. It would not move, so I eased it counterclockwise till the clock read a few minutes after five. I thought I had set things right, then I noticed the small second hand dial in the clocks face. Its wand flicked backward over each lash of a second. Ever so slowly the clocks minute hand moved in reverse. Time was turning in the wrong direction.

I stepped back, afraid, and teetered on the edge of the landing. Strong hands gripped my arms and pulled me back to safety.

"It's only a clock," he said.


We were standing close, close enough to kiss, but I couldnt step away from him. If his hands hadn't held me, his beautiful eyes would have.

"I hate that clock," I said, "it is always telling us what to do when."

Maxton laughed. "And you certainly don't want to do what is expected of you."

"Do you?" I asked.

"I used to." His gaze dropped to my mouth. He looked so long, so steadily, my cheeks burned and my heart pounded. I felt his eyes making my lips soft. I felt as if they were kissing me.

"Katey," he whispered, "I can't stop thinking about you."

I didnt say a word - I knew the pain we could cause. But every time he looked at me, every time he spoke his special name for me, I wanted him more.

He laid his hand against my cheek, then touched my mouth with one finger, running it over my lip.

Just once, I thought, gazing up at him. One kiss wouldn't be so terribly wrong.

He bent his head and his lips moved closer. His lips brushed my cheek, the lightest touch of him making me shiver. Then his arms tightened around me, and I felt the warmth and renderness of his lips against mine.


We both pulled back. My sister stood up at the top of the stairs glaring down at us.

Maxton let go of me. "Helen, I-"

"Don't try to explain," she told him angrily, "Don't make it any worse for me. Leave, Maxton."

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