Chapter 15 Basketball Game

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Sam's pv:

Yh I was angry and pissed off. Just the thought of me not getting revenge from those murderers. Dad said he will then what is he waiting for, well he said he had a plan, I guess that's why we're back in Canada I just need closure cause it's killing me. I can't believe I broke that fence its kinda funny though I usually need to vent my anger away by boxing, street car driving or street fighting.

I promised Jake I'd stop but I feel like I need to punch someone I wanna know where they do it here on Canada. I guess I have to ask around, I think Dad could help he says he doesn't mind as long as my anger goes and I don't die. Ice practiced fighting my whole life o don't even remember losing, so I gave to be on my game all the time I've got a national championship in boxing last year but I'm not sure if I wanna make a career out of it. I could easily do NBA basketball too. I like to keep my choice open. I don't know to be honest.

Life is tough and scary. You never know what to expect from it. One moment someone you know and love is dead the next moment their dead. I don't know when it's my time but hopefully nobody will be there to see me die like I saw my own mother die. It affects you. My thoughts are always interrupted by someone.

And it has to be the guys "hey Samantha you wanna play bb but just don't destroy us like you did that to the fence cause you're scary when you're angry." of course Matt is the joker 🃏 "hey boys I don't know if you really want to play against me I've never lost a match and I won't be losing anytime soon especially to you guys"i can be sassy sometimes."really well we'll have to see you kick Matt's and our asses on the court miss over confident cause today you'll lose in this match"

now this is funny I don't lose "ok this seems interesting wanna bet on it. Whoever wins gets to make the other person do something or we could put money on it." I'm not afraid to gamble on this, basketball is my life I don't think they know. No shit sherlock ofc they don't know I never told them. Eh they can learn the hard way.

Shawn spoke up "so Matt the bets off with Nash and Matt admit it Nash is better than you cause he's played longer and Sammy is involved so let's switch up the teams plus  just a heads up Aaron and Taylor are coming but lady's choice of course." he's smirked.

I don't really know how well they play but I can tell the Jack's are smiling so they clearly are good, obviously from this talk so is Nash and Carter and Matt don't look too happy so their not and since shawn spoke up he is confident I guess he's not used to losing "I want the Jacks and Nash so it's shawn, Matt, Carter and Aaron and Taylor, you're gonna need all the players you guys can get."i know o have a big smirk on my face o can't help it.

" wait how did you know we're all the good players " Johnson mentioned." let's just say you guys have a clear tell Ik by your faces you grew up with bb and fun fact I've played ball my entire life even before I could talk as a kid. "
They all chuckled at that and gilinsky said" well Ik were gonna win now especially since they don't know you've played you're whole life. " Nash chimed on saying" what they don't know is gonna kill them " I laughed and said we're ready to play.

*skip the game cause its too much effort to write

Taylor's pv":

Great we lost and Samantha won know we have to do what they want. Thanks a lot Matt. Samantha walked up to us  "yeah today was definitely not the day I was gonna lose boys that was too easy you even has another player and yet you still lost, so Matt you're gonna pay up I don't really need money so you guys can do me favours" wait what does she mean favours why not favour? "girl what do you mean favours plus I thought only Matt gets punished not us"
"sorry Taylor I wasn't really specific all of you have to do individual ones since you guys lost, Matt shouldn't have been too cocky "

great when life couldn't be better. I should've stayed at home and slept longer.
She's gonna have fun with this I can see the evilness in her eyes.

"Matt you can cover my drug bust I really can't be bothered, don't worry Taylor you and aaron I'll talk to you later can just owe me for now Carter you need to give me some info on something and shawn Idk hmm..." Wait what did she want to ask Carter. "lshe acted like she was thinking about killing him by her face. I wonder what she's going to say but he spoke up "if you want something sexual all you had to do is ask baby" haha shawn is so dirty minded I remember the days were he was innocent.

"I never said anything about us being sexual boy plus I want you to drive me to LA this weekend cause I need to meet up with someone important and I don't wanna go by jet cause it'd be more fun to see you suffer" everyone ended up laughing but shawn he's not so happy with that. I like Sammy and her evil brain she'd be fun to mess around with but she's waay to clever.

During the match it was half time and Aaron went to speak to her aside. But why I've got a billion questions that I want answers to.

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