Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - The agruement

Charlotte's P.O.V

It's been 3 hours since I last saw Henry and I was starting to really worry. A crime alert shouldn't take this long wheather he was on his own or with Ray, right?.

I sat at the mintors thinking off what I should do next. I had to tell Ray. Just as I was thinking that, Ray came down the tube to the man cave in his Captin man uniform as he had just came back from a crime alert.

Ray smiled, "Hey Charlotte...Where is Henry?", Ray asks me. I sighed, "About that...He went on a crime alert a while ago to prove to you that he was better at being kid danger than me", I say quitely. "But I didn't want to take his job really", I state.

Flash back- From ealier that day

"You went on a mission in my kid danger uniform!", Henry frowns. "But it's my job!", Henry added. He was super upset about it. I didn't mean to upset him though. "I did it too help Ray out on the crime alert", I say softly but Henry just shook his head. "I wasn't trying to take your job Hen", I said to him, but maybe I shouldn't have said that  becasue that probably gave him the idea off it. Henry sighed, "Where is Ray now?", Henry asks. I shrugged, "His out the back I think...It was kinda fun being kid danger", I say softly. Henry shakes his head again, "That's my job charlotte, stop trying to take my job away from me!", Henry yelled at me. That was it. "You know what Henry maybe I will try to get your job...Oh and your kid danger outfit fits me really well", I say irriated at Henry. He did not look happy, maybe I went to far. Henry blows a bubble as a crime alert goes off. Henry answered it and then when to the tube. "I'm going to show Ray I am a better side kick than you!", Henry says before going up the tube. My eyes widened when I relised what had just happened.

Flashback over

I explain everythink to Ray. He frowns as I told him the location. Ray goes to the tube to go and help Henry. I really hope his okay.

Henry's P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes and groans, I had a super bad headache. I wondered if my face was burised because of this masked freaky man. I still didn't know who it was. Whoever it was obviously hated me.
I whimpered as my mind drifted back to Ray. I really hope he is coming. But then I am apprently bait.

I hear the door open and that horrible wickled laughed again, "Hello Kid danger...", He says and stepped into the light so I could see him. He still had that stupid mask on that I didn't deconigse. "Are you scared to show your self?!", I questionly snapped at him. He just laughed evily again. What is it with this guy and laughing. Is he the laughing evily guy, I though to my self but then snapped out of my thoughs when I saw he had a phone in his hand and was recording. "W-why you recording?", I swallowed thickly. "Time to show the world who you really are", He laughed again and places his hand on my Kid danger mask...


Hey guys. I hope you like this chapter. Chapters will either ne recently or I will try to do one very too weeks xx.

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