Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 - Almost Normal

Ray's P.O.V

"I love you", I heard Henry says.

It felt like time had stopped. My mind and heart were racing. Everything was spining. Everything felt like a dream.
But Wait?!. Muffins! Stupid Muffins! Henry is just under some kind of spell.
I sighed, "We need to get Henry and Sworz back to their normal selfs", I say. If only Henry loved me.


It had been 2 days and Charlotte, me and Jasper were still trying to work out how to get Henry and Sworz back to normal. That women was in lock down in one of the cells down here but she wasn't talking to us.
Henry wouldn't stop hugging me, chasing me and sticking up for me, which I don't mine but I just miss him. I was currently sitting on the round sofa. Charlotte was at the back. Jasper was up at Junk and Stuff. Sworz was in his room and Henry was on his way to work.

I looked over at Charlotte and saw her bring a barrel of oaks in. I was a little confused but she just smiled. "I did some reserach and it said that if you overpower the love with enough emiontial like anger", Charlotte says. I sat there for a moment, "So your saying we have to make Henry and Sworz angry", I say to make sure thats what she meant. Charlotte nodded, "Yeah", Charlotte says simply. I nodded slightly.

Sworz walked in. "Might as well test it out", I say and Charlotte nodded. I stood up. How do I make Sworz angry? I though for a moment and then I grin. "Sworz you brought a women down here without premission!", I say growling, acting like I was angry. "You have broke all the rules...Your fireeed!", I shouted and then picked Sworz up and stuffered Sworz in a bucket of oaks. He started wiggling around and the bucket fell over. He stood up and glared at me. Sworz then frowns deeply, he did look angry but not angry enough. "Oh well", Sworz says. "Lest I still got my lady", Sworz says. Charlotte watched us amused. "Have you really Sworz? Have you really?", I say. "Well yess", Sworz says frowning. "Actually she's not here right now because she's with some other guy", I say. "How's much more better looking than you", I added. "Shut up!", Sworz yelled. Sworz was about to run at me. I got into perssion to push him away but he stopped. I looked confused. He started to shake and then feel to the fall. "Sworz?", Charlotte asks. I stood there, waiting. He woke up slowly, "What happened?", He asks. "You was in love with a women because...", I started and explained it all. It had only took us about 15 mintues to get Sworz out of the muffin love state.

"Lest everything is back to normal", Charlotte says and smiled. Then Henry came in from the eavlotor and ran over to me. I looked at Henry and smiled slightly. He hugged me tighly, "I love you so much Ray", Henry says.

I looked at Sworz and the Charlotte, "Almost everythink".


Hey guys. I hope you like this chapter. Sorry it is short xx.

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