Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - Trouble down town

Henry's P.O.V

I get home later that day and collaspe on my bed and soon fell asleep quickly.

I wake up to the sound of beep, beep, beep. It wasn't my alarm. I press my watch and a holagram appears. "Henry get here quick...There is an emercany", Ray says. I nodded, "I'll be there soon", I say putting his watch down and he stands up. I ran to the man cave in my PJ's.

"I'm here...", I puffed out. "Henry your in your PJ's", Ray tells me. "I didn't notice", I say sacartically. Ray just grins a little.

Wait why is he grinning, what is he thinking?. I know what I am thinking, he shouldn't wear tight tops like that because wow look at his muscles and his hair is always so perfect.

"Kid...Kid!", Ray says waving his hand in front of my face. "Uh huh?", I say blushing. Ray hums, "That masked man has been causing problems down town", Ray says. Oh great him again. We need to catch him this time. "We need to catch him this time", I say. "I know so let's go", Ray says.

Third P.O.V

Henry and Ray both blow a bubble and changed into their uniforms. Henry and Ray then go to their tubes before they headed down town.

Henry and Ray soon got to the town, "Where now?", Kid danger asks as he saw people running away from around the concer. "Kid, let's go", Captin man says. Kid danger nodded and ran with Captin man trying not to run into all the people that were runing the oppisite way.

"Stop what your doing?!", Captin man says. "Yeah! Stop what your doing", Kid Danger copied and pointed his finger at the masked man. They glimsted around at the stores that had been smashed and broken into, this part of town probably looked like a ghost town right now.

The masked man grinned evily as he picked up a car and throws it at them. Henry jumped out the way, "How the...His like super strong", Henry whispers as he hides behind a barrel. Captin man gets hit by the car.

Henry's P.O.V

Ah, Captin man was just hit by a car. I let out a breath when he jumped up and said, "I am okay". Cassily Capin man, I though to myself. Captin man runs up to the mask man and I watch as they start fighting and a attaching each other. It was be easier if I had a power of some kind but I don't. I need to help some how, I though to myself. I pulled my Zaper thingy out off my pocket and aim it at the masked man. Let's hope this works or at lest helps. I aim it at the guy and he looked sturrden for a moment before he fell backwards on to the floor.

I came out from between the barrel and as the police came and hand cuff the masked guy. "Hay!", I say to him. Okay, he looked angry. Captin man laughed, "And that is our duty done for now", Captin man says. I bite my lip trying not laugh but it soon comes out, "You said duty", I say laughing. Captin man just looked at me and I shrugged. "I got to get back to school", I say and Captin man nodded.

I run off quickly, I go to the back of a building and change back into my normal clothes before I walk back into the school. I notice someone.

"Bianca...Your back", I say as I walk over to her and hug her gently, she is my girlfriend kind off. Bianca nodded and smiled, "Listen Henry, I missed you so much...I want to make us officall", Bianca says excited.

I pulled back from the hug and faked a smiled, "Officiall...I don't think I'm ready...".


Hey guys.

What do you think Henry should do?...
Should he tell Bianca stiraght?...
Should he date Biance?...

Hope you like this chapter xx.

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