Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - Who are you really

Ray's P.O.V

I can't believe Henry and Charlotte got into a little pettie aggrument. I mean Charlotte was a great help at being Kid danger while Henry was grounded but Henry was a great side kick. I know they are both just kids and kids do have aggruments. I just hope Henry is okay.

I got to the factory looking place in the middle off know where and when to the door. I slowly walked in and got ready to attack but know one was there. I huffed to myself, looking around a little until I heard. "No, No, No!...". It was Henry's vocie, I quickly ran to wear Henry's vocie was coming from.

Henry's P.O.V

I am going to be in losed off trouble if I ever get out off here. He had his hand placed on my Kid Danger mask. He laughed again, "It's time to see who Kid Danger really is", He says to the camera. I frown and start shaking my head, "No, No, No!", I practially shout. Me shaking my head like this wasn't making my headache any better. "Stop moving Kid!", He shouted, trying to grip the side of the mask. "I won't!", I shouted back and kept moving my head. He frowns and hums, he clicked his fingers and two other men came up to the side off the Chair and looked at me as they were talking about me. "I am here in the room", I say with a frown. "Shut it!", He frowns and gives the camera to the muscle man next to him. The masked man griped my hair hard and man me look at him. He grins and gets ready to pull the mask off.

"Not so fast!", I heard. I know that vocie. Ray is here. I feel slightly relieved. The masked man grabbed the phone and kept his hand on my hair tightly. "Get him", The masked man says. The two guys go up to Ray and start to fight him. I watch as I couldn't really not watch unless I close my eyes. I watch as Ray fights one guy. He soon slamming into the wall with a groan. The other guy quickly left through the door.

The masked creepy man frowns as he gripped my hair tighter making me squech and then the masked man stuffered my head the other way and let go. With how much force he pushed my head with the chair ended up falling other. He then quickly made a run for it. I groan, my head hurts.

Captin man walked over and untied the chair and I stood up with his help feeling slightly dizzy. "Are you okay Kid?", Captin man asks concered. I don't know. I felt really dizzy, I was so glad Ray was here with me, was the last thing I though as I fainted.

Ray's P.O.V

I ran over to Henry and untied him, I then helped him up. He didn't look so good. It looked like he had been punched a multiple of times. "Are you okay Kid?", I ask him. He didn't answer me. It looked like he was in deep though.

My babe looked hurt, I think going into my own though. Wait what! I got to stop thinking that. Henry isn't my babe, I wish, Wait No I don't!.

My thoughs were inturrputed by Henry as he fainted and fell into me. I picked Henry up quickly and leave the factory. I didn't know where the hell that masked man went but my protity right now is to get Henry back to the man cave and save.

I get back to the man cave and go down the tube with Henry in my arms. "Sworz!", I shouted. Sworz came in, "What?", Sworz asks but then sees. I place Henry down on the bed thingy. Sworz starts to clean his head wound. "What happened?", Charlotte asks quitely.

I explained it all to them and then add at the end, "But then they got away...".


Hey guys, I hope you liked this chapter xx.

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