Chapter 6

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Henry's P.O.V

"Are you for real Henry...We have been together for 2 months and you don't want to make us a offical!", Bianca practially scream. "Erm...Well, I am sorry, I just don't think I am ready", I says quitely, trying to calm the situation. "Fine", Bianca shouted and slammed her locker, stomping off. I really mad her mad and now I feel bad.


Third P.O.V

Later that day, Henry quitely walked out of school and headed to junk and stuff, still feeling bad and sad. Henry eventually got to junk and stuff and when down the sofa and huffed as he sat down on the sofa. Henry glanced over at Sworz who was watching Drake and Josh before he sighed. 

Ray walked in and looked at Henry, "What's wrong Kid?", Ray asks softly. Henry just shrugged, "School was...Bad", Henry sighed. Ray just nodded, "Awe what happened?", Ray asks curiously. "Nothing", Henry lied. "Henry?", Ray asks. "Don't lie to me", Ray then added. "Huh...Ugh!", Henry says. "Ugh! back to you", Ray says with a little joking laugh but then trys to be more sirous. "Right, Henry just tell me what is wrong?", Ray asks as the alert went off. Henry huffed and got up, going to the motiors and pressed the button. "Hello, How may we help?", Henry says. "Hello Captin man, Kid Danger, I have fell down a cliff, Hurry", The man says in panic.

Ray and Henry change into their uniforms and go to the cliff. They help the man before they are back in the van again. "So anyway...What's up with you kid?", Ray asks for about the fifth time. "Ray why keep asking me?", Henry whines. "Because I care about you...alot", Ray says. Henry sighed and nodded, "I been feeling bad because I let Bianca go...", Henry says. "That's great", Ray says smiling. Henry frowns and looked at Ray. Ray continues to drive and sighed a little, "I mean...So you can find someone that totally understands you", Ray says.

Henry nodded and mumbles something underneath his breath, "Yeah...You understand me".


Hey guys. Hope you like this chapter. Sorry its short xx

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