The Meeting :)

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They say everyone who looks into their family history will find a secret sooner or later. Onyx found one of the worst secrets about her family. Her mother was murdered not only because of her looks, but because of their faith. They are white witches. White witches have a deep connection to nature (there are some here who think them to be angels). While some think they are evil demons who need to be returned to hell. One of them is the same woman who killed Onyx's mother Sian, and who may have her sights set on Onyx. Her name is Imelda. A dark witch.

Imelda killed Sian because she was jealous of how beautiful she was. The men in the village, including Imelda's husband, would always look at Sian like she was the purest and most beautiful thing they have ever seen. Onyx greatly takes after her mother, not knowing her father she can't say she doesn't look like him a little. But Onyx looks almost identical to Sian. That is why Onyx believes that Imelda is now after her. Imelda thinks that Onyx is going to take everything from her, but mostly her son. Onyx has very little money, but the money she does have comes from selling fruits, vegetables, and flowers that she grows at home in the marketplace, as she once used to do with her mother.

There is a young man, Baron, who comes to the stand at the market just about everyday, to buy more of what he bought the day before. He is quite handsome. He has long dark brown hair that is usually back in a low ponytail or braid. He has the most beautiful brown eyes you will ever see. He also has a beard but unlike most of the men in the village, he keeps it very well groomed. Baron is also quite muscular from being a soldier a few years back, but he was injured and was let out. From years as a soldier, you earn what are called "war marks". They symbolize different ranks and milestones you have reached while serving. Baron has these marks all up and down his left arm to show that he was a proud and brave soldier. On his right arm and chest he has marks, pictures, and etchings put there by the Gods. He wears them just as proudly as his war marks, to show that he is favored by the Gods. Little did he know that Onyx also has been marked by the Gods as well.

Baron, he is a wealthy man who would be ridiculed for being with a peasant. The royals would stop at nothing to keep him and Onyx from being anything. While he is vastly rich, he is extremely kind and generous. He almost always over pays and refuses when she tries to give him change back. About a week ago he started leaving little gifts behind on the stand for her. They started out as little poems he wrote for her and they grew to necklaces and rings, she hasn't worn any of them in public in fear that someone would think she stole them.


It is another day of working in the marketplace, so far it has been almost routine. There has been the few odd ones that come and stare at me and make rude comments, but other than that nothing out of the usual. That is until I see Baron walking towards my stand. I pretend I don't see him and continue with the customer in front of me.

"Thank you, and have a nice day!" I say to the lady who is now walking away to her children who are playing army. The lady pats them both on the head and tells them its time to go back home. While I watch the woman and her children Baron walks up and sighs.

"Are you ever going to wear any of the things I give you?" Baron asks exasperatedly.

"They are all very lovely, but if I were to wear them I would more than likely be arrested and have one or both of my hands cut off for stealing." I respond, only looking up when I am done wrapping some flowers.

Baron looks at me like I have grown three heads. "But you haven't stolen anything. I have given them to you because I fancy you."

Now it is I who looks at him as if he's grown three heads. "Y-you what?" I almost shriek. A few of the nearby vendors look over at me fearing I have been hurt. I look back at them and tell them I'm okay, as I turn back to the towering man in front of me.

Baron smiles at my reaction and replies, "I said, I. Fancy. You."

My smile feels as though it will split my face in half, but I come back to reality and all traces of my smile dissipates. "Baron. There is no question in my mind that I fancy you as well," his face lights up as I say this but I continue, "...but we come from two different worlds. You are a very wealthy man, and I am just a peasant, you would be the laughing stock of your friends and quite possibly your family. We both know your mother. The royals would do everything they possibly could to sabotage us. And quite honestly I don't think I could handle having you and then you be ripped away." I don't look at him until I finish in fear of completely losing it and break down in his arms.

He looks as though I have ripped his heart out and stomped on it, but he looks at me and says, "I may be a wealthy man, but all the riches in the world mean nothing if I have no one to share my life with. I don't care if my friends laugh at me. If they aren't happy for me that I have found someone I want to live my life by and make it not only my life, but our life, then they are not the friends I thought them to be. You know it is true when I say that we belong together. I see you cover your collarbone up or touch it when we see each other. It is the spot the Gods have inscribed my name in your skin, is it not?" I slowly look down in shame now that he knows.

"How did you know?" I asked meekly.

"I know because the Gods have also put your name on me." He says proudly.

My head snaps up and I just gawk at him. "W-what did you just say?"

He beamed at me and replied, "I said, the Gods have also put your name on me. You are aware of what this means, yes?" Baron rolled up his sleeve to show me his arm where I see my name on his wrist accompanied with a portrait of me on his forearm.

"Yes I'm aware! S-so this means..." before I could finish he cuts me off.

"That we are meant to be together. Not just in this life but also in the next. Believe me when I say that I not only fancy you, I love you with every fiber of my being, and that I would do anything and  everything to make you happy. Your smile could light up the world if the sun were not there. Your kindness even to those who disrespect you is incomprehensible. You are aware of the stories of my anger and temper, are you not?" He just stares at me waiting for what I will say next.

"Yes. I know of your temper. Why is that important exactly?" I question.

"Because if we are to be together I want there to be nothing untold or hidden. I am not going to mess this up."

I nod in response letting him know that I understand him. Then I get a panicked look on my face and this worries him. "What's wrong, love?" he asks hurriedly.

"Could we possibly talk later this evening when I close? If we are to go through with this, I feel we need to have a very long conversation." I say almost blankly. He looks pleased as if he was about to ask me the same thing.

"Of course. Would it be alright with you if I simply wait here with you until then? I know it is quite a while before the end of your day here, but I would feel much better if I were here in case some cretin tries to do or say anything disrespectful as I have seen and heard them do quite often." He says this as if it embarrasses him to admit it. I smile dearly at him and say, "Of course my dear."

His face when I call him dear is possibly one of the most beautiful things I have ever been privileged to witness. His eyes light up and his cheeks flush into a very pale pink, and he swipes his long dark hair behind his ear as his hand rests on the back of his neck rubbing it because he knows I have seen the blush on his face. He then reaches into his pocket and pulls out one of the most stunning ruby pendants I have ever seen and asks shyly, "Would you do me the honor of wearing this as one of many tokens of my love for you?"

Baron puts the necklace on me, and i clutch it in my hand. He looks down at me with nothing but love in his eyes, and I know mine mirror his. 

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