Chapter 2

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"Would you like some help with that?" Baron asks while trying not to laugh. I look back at him smiling, and reply, "If you wouldn't mind. You are the big, strong soldier after all." He lets out a deep chuckle at my oddness, and to my surprise he plays along.

"That I am my dear. And as such I shall be the best and biggest soldier you will ever meet." I look up at him and just smile as my response. Baron continues closing my cart up, while I just take the opportunity to really watch him. For as tall and broad as he is, he moves with a certain grace about him. He turns around with a big fat smile on his face and I know for a fact that he caught me looking at him.

We start walking with no specific place in mind, we just wanted to see where we would end up. I wasn't nervous about thieves or anything because I was with Baron who could obviously take care of himself.

We end up at a beautiful clearing with the tallest trees I have ever seen, and flowers all around in the grass. Baron turned his head to me and said, " This is my favorite place to come and think". I look at him about to question why he loves it here so much but he beats me to it.

" When I was in the service, there were two men who I was the closest with out of all the other service men. They both were killed by the enemy, and this is where we would come drink and tell stories. Before they died they both asked to be buried where they had the best memories. It may seem crazy but when I come here to think, I talk out loud and sometimes it feels like they help me with things. I wanted to bring you here to talk specifically so they could help. They believed that the Gods could help those in the afterlife help close ones through things."

I can't believe what he's just told me, but I go along with it because its obviously very important to him to bring me here to talk not only with him but with his brothers. I just smile and nod and we go from there. As we sit, I think of all the possibilities that lie within our new relationship. He will be subject to ridicule from everyone who knows him, they will forget that he is a war hero just because he is with me. Besides that, his own mother will more than likely disown him because she hates me and my family. The hatred came when Imelda's husband started spending more time in the marketplace when I was a child. My mother and I didn't know why he was spending so much more time there, we were honestly just happy to have a little more money. We later found out that he was there for my mother, Sian. Imelda's husband and most of the other men in the village would marvel at my mothers beauty, and as word traveled back to Imelda, she became bitter with anger and jealousy. But unlike the other men, Imelda's husband actually left her to attempt to be with my mother, claiming that they were mates.When she could take no more of her husband claiming that he and Sian were actually mates, she tapped into the power of witchcraft and used it to kill her. If she killed my mom just because men were gazing at her, what would she do to me when she finds out that Baron and I are mates?

I get pulled out of my thoughts by the feeling that someone is staring at me. I turn and see Baron next to me looking at me and trying not to laugh, so I ask, "What?"

"Nothing you're just cute when you ignore me." He responds now actually laughing.

"Sorry I was just thinking about everything." I say looking down almost in shame. He uses his thumb and forefinger to tilt my head back so I can look at him, but I close my eyes.

"Onyx, please look at me I want to tell you something." He sounds almost sad that I closed my eyes before I could look at him, I hesitantly open my eyes and I can't believe how beautiful his eyes are up close. In his eyes I see love, but also sadness and hurt. Before I can ask what's wrong he starts talking.

"I think I know what you were thinking about, and let me tell you I don't care if people treat me different. I don't care what the think. I care what you think. I know you're worried about my mother, I am too a little. But I know her, yes she won't like it but she'll have to get over it. As long as I have something to say about it, you aren't going anywhere. I'm just gonna put it all out there, ok?" He waits until I give him some sort of answer, so I just nod and he continues.

"I love you. I have since we met. You make me the happiest I've ever been, and if she can't accept that and put all this shit behind her then she doesn't need to be in our life anymore. Because that's what it is now, our life. I truthfully have no idea how she is going to react, or what she's going to do, but it doesn't matter. Because I'm not going anywhere no matter what kind of tantrum she throws." I laugh at that and it's now my turn to respond.

" I'm not gonna lie, I am extremely worried about what she's going to do. The only thing thats playing over in my mind, is that if Imelda killed my mother just because your father told her that he and my mother were actually mates, then what will she do to me? But then I remember that after she killed mom, the elders drained her powers so she's not nearly as strong as she thinks she is. I'm actually stronger than Imelda. Oh yeah I probably should have told you, after my mom died I kind of inherited her all her power. That's not an issue is it? Because if it is I don't even really use them unless someone's hurt," He cuts off my babbling so i can take some much needed breaths by saying, "Slow down. It's not a problem. It's ok, I don't think she'll try to kill you."

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