CHapter 4

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I wake up with a pulsating in my head, I look around and don't recognize where I am. It's dark, damp and cold. As I try to stand, I am pulled back to the ground harshly, I look and see that I am chained to the ground by my wrists. I wrinkle my brow in confusion, then realize what's going on. Imelda. I quickly fill to the brim with rage, as I instinctively try to pull on the chains again before I realize that the point is mute. I wonder how long I've been down here and if Baron has even noticed. I silently curse myself for even consider that he doesn't actually care for me, but in this instance I feel the need to at least entertain the possibility that Imelda put him up to trying to get close to me and gain my trust so that she could kill me.

Someone opens my cell door, the light from the hall blinds me momentarily but I recover quickly. I look up and come face to face with the woman who wants to keep me away from her son at any cost necessary. She wickedly smirks when she looks down at me, and says, "I can not tell you how much joy this brings me to see you in this state."

"I think it would be the same amount of joy it would give me if it were you in chains." I reply my tone full of sarcasm. She looks down her nose and squints at me, expecting me not to be full of sass but of fear. If she thinks that she of all people is going to "knock" the sass out of me than she will be thoroughly disappointed. She's still at a loss for words after a few moments so she just huffed in disgust, turned and slammed the door on her way out of my cell. I smile feeling a sense of victory.



I'm on my way to go see Onyx at her stand, and I couldn't be happier knowing she's mine. I get up to where her stand is with the biggest smile on my face just from knowing that I'm gonna see my mate, I turn the corner where she usually is, she isn't there. My face immediately falls. Then my heart feels like its gonna beat straight out of my chest. She's always here. Everyday. I walk over to look around her stand to see if theres anything there that could tell me what happened. Sitting in the middle of the counter, there was something wrapped in a cloth, I pick it up and unwrap it and I freeze. Out falls my old cross made from nails that one of my officers had made me years ago. I squeeze it in my hand as I realize what has happened. Mother. I don't know exactly what she has done, but I know she has done something.


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I awoke to yelling and screaming. It was loud but wasn't right outside my cell. There were two very distinct voices, I start to get up but fail when I discover she has covered and chained my hands and wrists to the floor with the belief that now I can't use any magic. Little does she know that hasn't worked since the dark ages, but I'll just keep that to myself for now. The door bursts open with a booming voice I instantly recognize as Baron, the biggest smile I think I've ever held makes its way on my face, a mirroring one shows up on his but then quickly turns into a look of anger and disgust. My heart falls to my feet thinking that look is because he sees me but from out of nowhere Imelda shows herself from behind him, once again with a frown. Baron rushes over to me without looking at Imelda and starts trying to get my chains off, he struggles which is new to me. I've never seen this giant hulk of a man struggle with anything, but here he is kneeling in front of me struggling to free me of my bonds. I tell his mind not to react while I undo my chains with the bit of magic in my body that hasn't been weakened, he discreetly nods letting me know that he understands. They come off my arms, I reach to rub my sore wrists when he stops me and suddenly takes me in his arms and carries me out of the cell where I've been stuck for so long I lost track of the days. We leave without so much as another word to his mother.

"Where are we going Baron? I'm really tired." I ask trying not to fall asleep in his arms.

He smirks a little while he thinks of an answer, "I was going to take you to my quarters here but I think we should just go home."

My mouth drops open, my eyes go wide as I try to figure out exactly what he means. "What do you mean 'we should just go home'?" I ask so quietly it would be considered a whisper.

He looks shyly down toward the ground for a moment, but looks back up when he realizes he needs to watch where he's going and says, "When I found out you were taken, my heart dropped. It felt like my entire world had gone up in smoke.I couldn't just stand there and let mother do whatever she wanted, so I started my search. I'll be honest it took me a few days to search all of mothers estates, but before I ran off to find you I had went and bought us our own manor. As odd as this may sound, you being stolen from me made me realize even further that I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side. And what better way to help that along than to get us a place to live out the rest of our days together?"

He doesn't look down at me until he's completely finished, and when he does tears are streaming down my face. Baron stops for a moment gently places me on the ground to stand while he softly wipes my tears away, then asks, "My dear little one, I am sorry I made you cry. It was not my intention."

Baron picks me back up and begins walking again as I lay my head on his shoulder he uttered, "Rest little one. You deserve it." I smile up at this silently thanking him, and quickly pass out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2017 ⏰

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