CHapter 3

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                Yesterday Baron and I talked about what the future could hold for us, I was surprised at his attitude towards his mother and the possibilities of her doing something awful to take me away from him. Baron is not concerned that his mother will try to kill me as a way of keeping us apart, I on the other am extremely worried that that will cross her mind. He believes that she does not wish me to die, but I believe otherwise. Imelda will stop at nothing from what she believes to be a threat to her family. That is what she will see me as; a threat to her son. In her mind, no one will ever be good enough for Baron, and she will make sure that someone who she doesn't approve of will never be with him for very long.

I woke up this morning happier than I have ever been, and I know it's because of Baron. As I get out of bed to get ready for my long day of work, my eyes shift around trying to find one of the gifs from Baron. My eyes land on this beautiful silver cuff necklace that is almost braided around the entire length, while the middle is open and the ends of it are wolf heads, while the eyes are little rubies. I think it may be my favorite thing he's given me because it speaks so much for who he is. When he was a soldier, he was know as The Lone Wolf because he worked best by himself. I start to think about what he will do when he sees that I am not only just wearing one of his gifts, but that it is a wolf one. His eyes will most likely light up and almost sparkle when he realizes what's going on. His hand will go to rub the back of his neck because he won't want me to know he's actually blushing. I try to push the distracting thought of his face to the back of my mind so I can finish getting ready.

	So far it's been a relatively normal morning, which unfortunately means I've dealt with an almost alarming number of rude men

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So far it's been a relatively normal morning, which unfortunately means I've dealt with an almost alarming number of rude men. Most of them think that they have the right to harass me because they have more money than me. As I'm finishing up with one of my regulars Mr. Cromwell who is a sweet old man who comes by every week to by a bouquet of his wife's who has since passed favorite flowers to take to her grave, there's a loud commotion a few stands down. I look away from Mr. Cromwell to see what's happening, I see two men fighting one who is considerably taller than the other, with long dark hair. My breath hitches in my throat as I realize it's Baron. I apologize to the old man in front of and promise I shall be right back, and run towards the conflict.

I wrap my significantly smaller hand around Baron's arm and pull him back while saying, "That's enough! Baron! Stop you're gonna kill him!". Almost as soon as I touch him he whirls around thinking I am trying to attack him, but he stops himself when he realizes it's me and I'm not trying to hurt him. Hurt, sadness, then what looks like despair flash in his usually bright eyes when it registers that he almost hit me. From behind Baron I can see the other man come up behind him with a dagger, I push Baron aside and disarm the man before either man knows what is happening. I throw the dagger and it lands stuck into the wood of a beam behind the other man. Baron's head snaps to me and he has this big fat smirk on his face. I shrug my shoulders with a shy smile and look down at my feet. I look up and tell the man to get lost and he runs away scared. I then turn and walk away telling Baron to follow me, he does but he looks like a child that just got scolded.

We get back to my stand and I tell him to sit and wait because I see I have a short line. He sits in the chair and actually waits patiently until I'm done with the people in front of me. It doesn't take me long to help my customers, so I put up the 'closed' sign so I am able to talk to Baron about what just happened. Baron sees that I am done, so he gets up out of the chair so I can sit there while he sits on the ground, my heart warms at his gesture but I try to remind myself that I'm upset with him.

I don't say anything at first, wanting him to try and figure out why I'm mad, surprisingly as I go to talk he cuts me off. "I think I know what you're going to say." He looks down almost as he is ashamed, but continues. "You are mad that I was fighting, that I had lost my temper about something that you assume was a stupid reason. But it wasn't, I had a very good reason."

I don't say anything for a moment while I think about my response. I cross my arms and respomd, "Then please enlighten me. What was this awe-inspiring enigma of reasoning that made you decide to almost beat a man to death?" I ask dripping with sarcasm. I am pleased with the look on his face as I finish my question, and responds almost immediately.

"I had told one of my friends that I had found my mate and he decided to his friend Kai, who hates me because he thinks I stole his promotion when we were soldiers. So Kai found me as I was on my way to see you and started bad mouthing you saying that you weren't my true mate, and that you were tricking me by using you witchiness to fool me. So I punched him, he punched me, and well, you know the rest." As he finishes his eyes are downcast toward his boots, but when he was talking about what Kai had said he got mad all over again, but calmed down once I grabbed his enormous hand in my own small one.

We sit in silence as I absorb all the information he had just given me, then a thought hits me, "Wait. How does Kai know that I'm a witch? I haven't really told anyone. Really the only people that know are you and my friend Zita." He looks repentant as he almost whispers his answer.

"My mother found out that you inherited Sian's powers on top of the power you already possessed. She is more than likely to have others to try and have you killed. I can only apologize, and say I fear of what shall happen by her hand next." 

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