Kurosaki Ranmaru (1)

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You have tried hard to decipher the writing style of the letters that you have received, then looking at the writings and trying to think of many things for almost a week or so, and you've finally made up your mind and feeling confident about your choices. 

It should be nobody else but Kurosaki Ranmaru, the tsundere bassist that you once hated so much but came to like him as soon as the two of you knew each other. 

"But to think that that tsundere hates women so much, it shouldn't be true, right?" You thought, hoping that you could stop being so delusional right now.

You gotten your permission from your parents to head out as soon as they knew that the man that you are going to date is one of your ex-classmates back in a couple of years ago. 

Well, not that you couldn't tell your parents that you ditched him right after the date because the guy is a sucker if it wasn't Ranmaru, after all. 

So you dressed up with a cute knitted dress with a scarf to keep yourself warm for this White Valentines, and stepped out of your apartment.

"Oi, here!" A familiar voice came from the gates, and that hair colour...

That pair of mismatched eyes that only he has...

"K-Kurosaki-san?" You stoned right there, being all surprised with a mixture of feelings.

"Kora, teme... Come over here! How long more do you want me to wait, ha?" he yelled all the way from the gates since he's blocked by a security guard of your apartment. You immediately ran towards him with your new pair of high heels, and you were so close to tripping yourself.

"Oi, woman. You don't have to take my words so seriously. At least, not for this line," that tsundere caught you at the moment when you were about to trip, "Takku... I was just joking. I'm willing to wait for you as long as I could, silly..." he continued in a slightly teasing tone, "Now, where do you want to go?"

Since you know well that this man before you loves meat more than anything else since the moment you knew him, you made up your mind to go for a spot for BBQ where the two of you can eat for everything for two full hours, and you told him about the idea.

"BBQ...?" He narrowed his eyes, and a smirk appeared at the corner of his lips, "Why not? Let's go. You wouldn't mind walking in this cold weather do you?" he asked with a more caring tone, and you could feel your cheeks getting warmer as time goes by.

You shook your head and told him that you didn't mind, so he tells you to hold his arm closely as the two of you are passing by the crowded streets of Tokyo for the food. "... And don't you dare stray far away from me, I can't pay up if anything 'unfortunate' happens.. You got that?!" 

Despite the light warning, you could feel all his tenderness from his words, and you nodded happily.

As the two of you walked, you could see that there are many shops that are well-decorated for Valentine's. He made sure to keep a close eye at you, glancing every now and then. A small smile wiping on his face unknowingly. 

Soon enough, something on the display caught your attention... "Nee, mitte-" you pulled the edge of the male's shirt a little, noticing the gaze from the heterochromatic eyes and smile, you halted your actions and stoned, being all embarrassed and turning into a tomato.

He soon noticed that deep blush on her face, placing the back of his hand to her forehead "...Are you.. Okay?" he asks with a caring tone, while being an idiot as he always is, took off his coat, placing it around your shoulders and hoping that you didn't fall sick. 

"Here, in case you feel cold or whatever..." The weather is pretty cold in Japan, but the woman before him is on his top priority, that he couldn't let anything happen, not to you.
You noticed the misunderstanding and tried to shove the jacket back to Ranmaru, but he insisted that you should keep it, and he fixed the coat over your shoulders again, "So, what was the thing that you wanted to show?" He asked again, after knowing that you are fine. 

"Since he asked, why not bringing him there?" You thought. And you daringly pulled the male closer instead, believing that it would somehow keep him warmer since he's not wearing a coat anymore. You drags him all the way to the showcase while leaving him with all his curiosity.

Many are watching, of course. Since your stupid Ranmaru is such a sucker when it comes to disguises. They were all wondering who was the lady next to the idol, some full of curiosity while some with jealousy. He gave off a glare and ignored those that passed by. You didn't notice and just walked all the way to the showcase, looking at the huge stuffed toy. He glanced at you, smiling while seeing your eyes sparkle.

"Let me guess... You want that, don't you?" He asked, "If you really wanted it, I can always get it for you... " He softly ruffled your hair, something he never did and never though of "Besides, you could always put it at my place if you have no space!" he laughed softly, and that somewhat surprised you even more.

You stayed quiet, allowing yourself to stare at the huge toy for a short while and started to feel uncomfortable with the stares from the crowd. You then gave your very last glance towards the toy, clings onto his arm and tells him that you are really hungry so that you could get away from the crowd.

The voices of the crowd started becoming an annoyance to his ears, those unpleasant words. But he immediately calmed down as soon as he sees you clinging onto him, and nodded lightly. 

Minutes after walking, he pushed a door open, the scent of BBQ food items brought out through the air flow. He quickly made his payment for the two of you, and this time, he dragged you towards the counters and took four full plates of food on his own, then another three more plates, and the two of you happily walked back to your seats at the shop's very corner.

"Itadakimasu!" the two of you made your prayers and began eating. 

He suddenly slowed down his eating speed, with his mismatched eyes gazing warmly towards your direction. You fluster as you noticed what happened. 

"Heh, you know.. You're kinda cute like that.. " He smirked, and a warm hand began to touch your blushing cheeks softly, "Hora... Don't tell me you're going to be like this the whole day? You should be getting used to this already." he poked lightly on your cheeks that flusters even more, and began to smirk again.

And so the two of you continued dining together for two full hours with non-stop eating, and he invited you to his little apartment. Then sat together on a couch and started listening to some Jazz music, until Ranmaru's phone began to vibrate, and he flicked opened the phone and prepares to dash out.

"I'll be right back. Don't you dare to leave this house when I'm not here!" he yelled, and dashed all the way downstairs while you realized that you have yet to give him his Valentine's gift. 

Ten minutes...

Twenty minutes...

Knock knock. 

"Oi, (Your name), it's me! Open up the door!" the familiar voice of Ranmaru yelled, and you ran all the way towards the door and...

He is there, standing with that huge stuffed toy that you eyed on just now.

"H-Here... Have it." He blushed and glanced away, and you accepted the teddy bear with your tomato face. "It's huge when you are hugging it like this..." you said, and slowly placing it on a sofa, while he entered the house and closed the door gently. 

A hug from behind.

"(Name)... Try calling my name from now on? Hora, let me hear it..." he whispered gently to your ears, while you went all flustered and kept on saying that the two of you just started dating so it might be a little too early for everything. 

"Didn't we have feelings for each other since years ago? So why not?" he whispered again.

You continued insisting that it is still progressing too quickly, until he began speaking, "After years, I realized that your smile is what I want to protect. Thanks to you, you have brought colors to my monochromatic world. With you being here, it's like I'm being in heavens right now... My Goddess."

Being all embarrassed again, you quickly pulled out the gift that you bought for him. "H-happy Valentine's Day, Ranmaru..." you said.

"Good girl." He smirked, and accepted the gift with full of joy. He then leans closer to you and gave your neck a deep kiss. "From now on, you are mine. Don't you dare to leave me anymore after entering my world... Nnnh..."

Another hot kiss on the lips.

Then followed by another gentle peck on your forehead.

"Happy Valentine's Day, (name). I love you."


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