Baby, You're a Firework

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A Very Special Chapter Dedication to MaccaMay, a fabulous fan of Brian!!

The time was 11:37. Chrissie was on her sixth glass of champagne. Roger had hit the vodka hard and was now chasing it with southern comfort. Brian was on his fifth Guinness. John was having southern comfort with Roger and Veronica was into the white wine. And then, there was myself and Freddie. We had a cigarette in one hand and a Jager bomb in the other. I was starin’ him down across the table and he was starin’ me down. No head to head Jager bomb drinking event was complete without a little trash talk.

 “You’ll be screamin’’ oh Freddie stop it’, darling.” Freddie winked at me.

  “Oh, you only wish I’d scream for you.” I answered him. We both downed a Jager bomb.

  “I’ll make you wish you weren’t screamin’ for Roger.” Freddie picked up another Jager bomb and it disappeared.

  “I’ll make you wish you were screamin’ for a good fuck.” Veronica, John, Roger and Brian wailed at that comment. I picked up the next bomb.

  “You wouldn’t know a good fuck.” Freddie picked up the next Jager bomb.

  “You wouldn’t know a fuck.” I chased him.

  “I am the best fuck!” Freddie winked at me again. There were only four Jager bombs left and I didn’t know if I could finish them. If I did, I wouldn’t be drinkin’ anythin’ else the rest of the night.

  “I’m slow, hard and messy.” I downed another. I seriously don’t know who in this room was laughing the hardest at this point. Even Freddie and I were having trouble keeping straight faces.

  “Only a whore would know.” He said, taking a drag on his cigarette.

  “Takes one to know one.” Two bombs left. 

 “Well, don’t you keep raunchy company!? God! You’re fuckin’ a dirty blonde for god’s sake.” Freddie took the last one and smiled all over.

  “Blondes have more fun.” I took the last one and Freddie absolutely burst into laughter. At this point, Roger was laid over in the floor laughing, Brian was leaned over against Chrissie and she had her arm around him. Veronica was sayin’ something no one could understand and John was hardly breathing.

  “My god! That’s the most vile thing I’ve ever heard!” John finally said. Roger grabbed the bottle of southern comfort and sat up from the floor. He shook his head.

  “No…no John. She can get a lot worse. That’s mild.”

  “Oh! Oh! Hold on! We need to take some pictures!” Veronica said popping up from John’s lap and hurrying off.

  “Oh shit. We will sooooo regret that. Come here, darling. You know I love you.” Freddie reached his arms out to me. I hugged him tightly.

  “I love you too.” I assured him. He kissed my cheek.

 “Hey! You’re kissing me for real at midnight right?” Freddie pointed a finger at me and puffed his cigarette.

  “Damn right I am!” I high-fived Freddie. He laughed, just delighted. Okay, maybe I was a little drunk. Veronica quickly returned with her camera.

  “Brian, Chrissie…look at me.” Veronica said. I watched this unfold from the floor. Brian had an arm around her. He pulled Chrissie’s face in against his. I thought Veronica would encourage Brian to be a little more involved than that, but she didn’t. The Polaroid camera spit out the photograph and Veronica laid it on the table.

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